eyedeekay / em-dosbox-in-a-box

Emscripten-Compiled dosbox running in a container with a web server.
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Self-deploying, self-hosted web/em-dosbox based DOS games. By default it listens on all addresses.

Detailed Description:

This set of scripts makes it easy to deploy a self-contained instance of em-dosbox with a collection of games. Because it uses Emscripten, it can be deployed on a machine with very limited resources and rely instead on the resources of the clients. This makes it convenient for me since I mostly do casual, tablet-centric gaming.


docker, make


This should work on any linux distribution with docker and make, and also on MacOS with docker and make, and probably on Windows with docker via the Windows subsystem for Linux or cygwin, in order to use Make. You will need a collection of DOS game files collected into a directory, with one game per subdirectory. Since most DOS game collections seem to be organized like this anyway, this is the structure I used. It has the benefit of being very predictable for the packager script as well.

Step one: Edit config.mk

The settings file is config.mk, and there is only one setting that you may need to change. This setting is called MOUNT_PROGRAMS_FOLDER and it is a directory containing your collection of DOS games. By default, it looks for this directory in a directory called "programs" in the parent directory and mounts the volume read-only in the docker container. You'll probably need to change the path, but leaving it read-only is probably a good idea.

    MOUNT_PROGRAMS_FOLDER=--volume $(PWD)/../programs:/home/dosbox/em-dosbox/src/programs:ro

As you can see, MOUNT_PROGRAMS_FOLDER is just a docker run --volume option. The first part is the directory on the host, the second is the mountpoint in the container, and ro is the read-only permissions. Most people will only need to change the first part.

Step two: Deploy

The deployment is simple. Once you've edited your config.mk, run the following commands:

    make config

and wait. Emscripten, em-dosbox, and DOS game pages will be compiled and generated, and will be made available on the container at port 8080 and on the host at port 405.

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