eyeonus / EDDBlink

(No longer maintained) A plugin for TradeDangerous to update market data using EDDB's api files.
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
2 stars 0 forks source link

Developer's Note

This repo is no longer being maintained/updated.

This plugin is now a part of Trade Dangerous on the eye-TD repo located at:



A plugin for TradeDangerous to update market data using EDDB's api files.

This plugin is released under the LGPLv3, a copy of the licence is included in the repo.

To use, place "eddblink_plug.py" into your TradeDangerous 'plugin' directory and run with '-P eddblink'

The plugin needs to make some changes to the database in order to work, so on first run, it will run with the '-O clean' option enabled regardless of the options passed to it from the command line. '-O skipvend' will skip updating the ShipVendor and UpgradeVendor tables regardless of other options, including on the first run.

It is recommended to include the 'skipvend' option (, as for example, '-O clean,skipvend',) on slower computers when doing any run, including the first run.

It is recommended to pass no options after the first run, as by default eddblink imports just the listings, (updating the item, system, and station lists if needed,) and to use '-O all' whenever changes to the game have been made (such as the addition of new ships, or the removal of commodities.)

'-O clean' will COMPLETELY WIPE the database and rebuild it from scratch using the downloaded dump files.

The plugin gets its data from Tromador's mirror, "http://elite.ripz.org/", but if for any reason that site goes down it will automatically fallback to downloading directly from EDDB.io's API.

Here are all the options available and a brief explanation of what each does:

'item':         "Regenerate Categories and Items using latest commodities.json dump.",
'system':       "Regenerate Systems using latest system-populated.jsonl dump.",
'station':      "Regenerate Stations using latest stations.jsonl dump. (implies '-O system')",
'ship':         "Regenerate Ships using latest coriolis.io json dump.",
'shipvend':     "Regenerate ShipVendors using latest stations.jsonl dump. (implies '-O system,station,ship')",
'upgrade':      "Regenerate Upgrades using latest modules.json dump.",
'upvend':       "Regenerate UpgradeVendors using latest stations.jsonl dump. (implies '-O system,station,upgrade')",
'listings':     "Update market data using latest listings.csv dump. (implies '-O item,system,station')",
'all':          "Update everything with latest dumpfiles. (Regenerates all tables)",
'clean':        "Erase entire database and rebuild from empty. (Regenerates all tables.)",
'skipvend':     "Don't regenerate ShipVendors or UpgradeVendors. Supercedes '-O all', '-O clean'.",
'force':        "Force regeneration of selected items even if source file not updated since previous run. "
                    "(Useful for updating Vendor tables if they were skipped during a '-O clean' run.)",
'fallback':     "Fallback to using EDDB.io if Tromador's mirror isn't working.",
'progbar':      "Use '[=   ]' progress instead of '(125/500) 25%'",
'solo':         "Don't download crowd-sourced market data. Supercedes '-O all', '-O clean', '-O listings'."