eyre-rs / eyre

A trait object based error handling type for easy idiomatic error handling and reporting in Rust applications
Apache License 2.0
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This library provides eyre::Report, a trait object based error handling type for easy idiomatic error handling and reporting in Rust applications.

This crate is a fork of anyhow with support for customized error reports. For more details on customization checkout the docs on eyre::EyreHandler.

Custom Report Handlers

The heart of this crate is its ability to swap out the Handler type to change what information is carried alongside errors and how the end report is formatted. This crate is meant to be used alongside companion crates that customize its behavior. Below is a list of known crates that export report handlers for eyre and short summaries of what features they provide.

Usage Recommendations and Stability Considerations

We recommend users do not re-export types from this library as part their own public API for libraries with external users. The main reason for this is that it will make your library API break if we ever bump the major version number on eyre and your users upgrade the eyre version they use in their application code before you upgrade your own eyre dep version[^1].

However, even beyond this API stability hazard, there are other good reasons to avoid using eyre::Report as your public error type.


No-std support

No-std support was removed in 2020 in [commit 608a16a] due to unaddressed upstream breakages. [commit 608a16a]: https://github.com/eyre-rs/eyre/pull/29/commits/608a16aa2c2c27eca6c88001cc94c6973c18f1d5

Backtrace support

The built in default handler has support for capturing backtrace using rustc-1.65 or later.

Backtraces are captured when an error is converted to an eyre::Report (such as using ? or eyre!).

If using the nightly toolchain, backtraces will also be captured and accessed from other errors using error_generic_member_access if available.

Comparison to failure

The eyre::Report type works something like failure::Error, but unlike failure ours is built around the standard library's std::error::Error trait rather than a separate trait failure::Fail. The standard library has adopted the necessary improvements for this to be possible as part of RFC 2504.

Comparison to thiserror

Use eyre if you don't think you'll do anything with an error other than report it. This is common in application code. Use thiserror if you think you need an error type that can be handled via match or reported. This is common in library crates where you don't know how your users will handle your errors.

Compatibility with anyhow

This crate does its best to be usable as a drop in replacement of anyhow and vice-versa by re-exporting all of the renamed APIs with the names used in anyhow, though there are some differences still.

Disabling the compatibility layer

The anyhow compatibility layer is enabled by default. If you do not need anyhow compatibility, it is advisable to disable the "anyhow" feature:

eyre = { version = "0.6", default-features = false, features = ["auto-install", "track-caller"] }

Context and Option

As part of renaming Context to WrapErr we also intentionally do not implement WrapErr for Option. This decision was made because wrap_err implies that you're creating a new error that saves the old error as its source. With Option there is no source error to wrap, so wrap_err ends up being somewhat meaningless.

Instead eyre offers OptionExt::ok_or_eyre to yield static errors from None, and intends for users to use the combinator functions provided by std, converting Options to Results, for dynamic errors. So where you would write this with anyhow:

use anyhow::Context;

let opt: Option<()> = None;
let result_static = opt.context("static error message");
let result_dynamic = opt.with_context(|| format!("{} error message", "dynamic"));

With eyre we want users to write:

use eyre::{eyre, OptionExt, Result};

let opt: Option<()> = None;
let result_static: Result<()> = opt.ok_or_eyre("static error message");
let result_dynamic: Result<()> = opt.ok_or_else(|| eyre!("{} error message", "dynamic"));

NOTE: However, to help with porting we do provide a ContextCompat trait which implements context for options which you can import to make existing .context calls compile.

[^1]: example and explanation of breakage https://github.com/eyre-rs/eyre/issues/30#issuecomment-647650361


Licensed under either of Apache License, Version 2.0 or MIT license at your option.

Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in this crate by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0 license, shall be dual licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions.