Modified Adafruit VS1053 Library for ESP32 to prevent exception.
When I downloaded Adafruit VS1053 Library, It didn't work properly for ESP32.
I read some articles in the issue forum and found that interrupt handling causes the exception like below.
I fixed Adafruit_VS1053 source and header files. I moved buffer feeding codes from ISR to main loop. In the ISR, I just set the flag and leave like below.
static void feeder(void) {
/* eziya76, set flag and leave ISR */
myself->DREQFlag = true;
void loop() {
/* eziya76, when IRQ fires, handler set DREQFlag */
if(musicPlayer.DREQFlag) {
/* feed buffer when DREQ interrupt */
musicPlayer.DREQFlag = false;
// File is playing in the background
static boolean printed = false;
if (musicPlayer.stopped()) {
if(!printed) {
Serial.println("Done playing music");
printed = true;
/* eziya76, remove delay to handle DREQ interrupt ASAP */
I also added some code for LC Technology module.
I learned it from here (
/* eziya76, LC Technology VS1053 patch. Refer to */
musicPlayer.sciWrite(VS1053_REG_WRAMADDR, VS1053_GPIO_DDR);
musicPlayer.sciWrite(VS1053_REG_WRAM, 3);
musicPlayer.sciWrite(VS1053_REG_WRAMADDR, VS1053_GPIO_ODATA);
musicPlayer.sciWrite(VS1053_REG_WRAM, 0);
/* eziya76, remove sineTest as it clears LCSoft VS1053 patch */
//musicPlayer.sineTest(0x44, 500); // Make a tone to indicate VS1053 is working
When I modified and added like above, I was able to listen my MP3 songs.