ezranbayantemur / react-native-rtmp-publisher

πŸ“Ή Live stream RTMP Publisher for React Native
MIT License
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react-native react-native-live react-native-live-stream react-native-publisher react-native-rtmp-publisher rtmp rtmp-broadcaster rtmp-stream


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πŸ“Ή Live stream RTMP publisher for React Native with built in camera support! ### βš οΈπŸ› οΈ Support for [the new architecture](https://reactnative.dev/docs/the-new-architecture/landing-page) is under development ## Installation ```sh npm install react-native-rtmp-publisher ``` or ```sh yarn add react-native-rtmp-publisher ``` and for iOS ```sh cd ios && pod install ``` ## Android Add Android Permission for camera and audio to `AndroidManifest.xml` ```xml ``` ## iOS Add iOS Permission for camera and audio to `Info.plist` ```xml NSCameraUsageDescription CAMERA PERMISSION DESCRIPTION NSMicrophoneUsageDescription AUDIO PERMISSION DESCRIPTION ``` Implement these changes to `AppDelegate.m` (or `AppDelegate.mm`) ```objc #import // <-- Add this import .. .. - (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions { .. .. .. .. // <-- Add this section --> AVAudioSession *session = AVAudioSession.sharedInstance; NSError *error = nil; if (@available(iOS 10.0, *)) { [session setCategory:AVAudioSessionCategoryPlayAndRecord mode:AVAudioSessionModeVoiceChat options:AVAudioSessionCategoryOptionDefaultToSpeaker|AVAudioSessionCategoryOptionAllowBluetooth error:&error]; } else { SEL selector = NSSelectorFromString(@"setCategory:withOptions:error:"); NSArray * optionsArray = [NSArray arrayWithObjects: [NSNumber numberWithInteger:AVAudioSessionCategoryOptionAllowBluetooth], [NSNumber numberWithInteger:AVAudioSessionCategoryOptionDefaultToSpeaker], nil]; [session performSelector:selector withObject: AVAudioSessionCategoryPlayAndRecord withObject: optionsArray ]; [session setMode:AVAudioSessionModeVoiceChat error:&error ]; } [session setActive:YES error:&error ]; // <-- Add this section --> return YES; } ``` ## Example Project Clone the repo and run ```sh yarn ``` and ```sh cd example && yarn ios (or yarn android) ``` You can use Youtube for live stream server. You can check [Live on Youtube](https://support.google.com/youtube/answer/2474026?hl=tr&ref_topic=9257984) ## Usage ```js import RTMPPublisher from 'react-native-rtmp-publisher'; // ... async function publisherActions() { await publisherRef.current.startStream(); await publisherRef.current.stopStream(); await publisherRef.current.mute(); await publisherRef.current.unmute(); await publisherRef.current.switchCamera(); await publisherRef.current.getPublishURL(); await publisherRef.current.isMuted(); await publisherRef.current.isStreaming(); await publisherRef.current.toggleFlash(); await publisherRef.current.hasCongestion(); await publisherRef.current.isAudioPrepared(); await publisherRef.current.isVideoPrepared(); await publisherRef.current.isCameraOnPreview(); await publisherRef.current.setAudioInput(audioInput: AudioInputType); } ...} onConnectionStartedRtmp={() => ...} onConnectionSuccessRtmp={() => ...} onDisconnectRtmp={() => ...} onNewBitrateRtmp={() => ...} onStreamStateChanged={(status: streamState) => ...} /> ``` ## Props | Name | Type | Required | Description | | :----------: | :------: | :------: | :-----------------------------------: | | `streamURL` | `string` | `true` | Publish URL address with RTM Protocol | | `streamName` | `string` | `true` | Stream name or key | ### Youtube Example For live stream, Youtube gives you stream url and stream key, you can place the key on `streamName` parameter **Youtube Stream URL:** `rtmp://a.rtmp.youtube.com/live2` **Youtube Stream Key:** `****-****-****-****-****` ```js ` | Starts the stream | βœ… | βœ… | | `stopStream` | `Promise` | Stops the stream | βœ… | βœ… | | `mute` | `Promise` | Mutes the microphone | βœ… | βœ… | | `unmute` | `Promise` | Unmutes the microphone | βœ… | βœ… | | `switchCamera` | `Promise` | Switches the camera | βœ… | βœ… | | `toggleFlash` | `Promise` | Toggles the flash | βœ… | βœ… | | `getPublishURL` | `Promise` | Gets the publish URL | βœ… | βœ… | | `isMuted` | `Promise` | Returns microphone state | βœ… | βœ… | | `isStreaming` | `Promise` | Returns streaming state | βœ… | βœ… | | `hasCongestion` | `Promise` | Returns if congestion | βœ… | ❌ | | `isAudioPrepared` | `Promise` | Returns audio prepare state | βœ… | βœ… | | `isVideoPrepared` | `Promise` | Returns video prepare state | βœ… | βœ… | | `isCameraOnPreview` | `Promise` | Returns camera is on | βœ… | ❌ | | `setAudioInput` | `Promise`| Sets microphone input | βœ… | βœ… | ## Types | Name | Value | | ------------------------- | :--------------------------------------------------:| | `streamState` | `CONNECTING`, `CONNECTED`, `DISCONNECTED`, `FAILED` | | `BluetoothDeviceStatuses` | `CONNECTING`, `CONNECTED`, `DISCONNECTED` | | `AudioInputType` | `BLUETOOTH_HEADSET`, `SPEAKER`, `WIRED_HEADSET` | * AudioInputType: WIRED_HEADSET type supporting in only iOS. On Android it affects nothing. If a wired headset connected to Android device, device uses it as default. ## Used Native Packages - Android: [rtmp-rtsp-stream-client-java](https://github.com/pedroSG94/rtmp-rtsp-stream-client-java) [2.2.2] - iOS: [HaishinKit.swift](https://github.com/shogo4405/HaishinKit.swift) [1.2.7] ## Contributing See the [contributing guide](CONTRIBUTING.md) to learn how to contribute to the repository and the development workflow. ## License MIT