ezrpg-legacy / ezRPG-1.2.x

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Installer fixes and changes #43

Closed deohnas closed 7 years ago

deohnas commented 7 years ago

The DbFactory uses the dbdriver parameter from Installer when later constructing the dsn which doesn't make sense, since PDO or MySQLi is an abstraction layer and not a database driver.

Also added dbprefix to make sure it's defined, elsewhy it breaks.

deohnas commented 7 years ago

I changed the password constraint when creating an admin account to only be "minimum 6 characters long"; I found it weird that the password had to be a word with 6 characters length at minimum. So a password like hith_Bl13 would fail.

uaktags commented 7 years ago

I think this all looks good. Changing to strlen doesn't impose any concerns since the variable is later sha'd befored entered into the DB, so we really don't need it to be stripped down via regex. Plus I'm sure the regex had added an additional resource load that wasn't needed.