ezrpg-legacy / ezRPG-1.2.x

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ezRPG | Active Development

Warning this version of ezRPG 1.2.1 has substantial code changes from it's previous version (1.0.x). If you are upgrading, make sure you've checked and tested all modules to make sure they conform to the new code.


This engine is destined to be part of the ezRPG legacy 1.x series started by Zeggy. For the new, reimagined version implementing the great new offerings of PHP5, a true MVC structure, PSR-0 compliant, and Smarty-Less, check out ezRPG 2.x series when that development is ready for public release!


Notes about

Pushed July 24 2016

- This is still a pretty unstable and actively developed engine. A number of issues have arisen and things are getting fixed.
- I'm testing on the following
 1. CentOS7, PHP5.6, MariaDB
 2. CentOS6, PHP5.4, MySQL
 3. Ubuntu16.04, PHP7, MariaDB
- When everything passes, and we have a stable and working Plugin, Menu, and overall system, I'll release as 1.2.2 and continue develop as 1.2.3.x.

===== A modular game engine written in PHP.


Contributing to the ezRPG project couldn't be easier!

  1. Fork the project
  2. Make your changes, and push them to your forked repository
  3. Send a pull request with your changes
  4. We will review your changes, and accept them if they fix the problem without causing any problems


Need some help? Check out the ezRPG Forums


  1. Download latest version of ezRPG
  2. Give read/write permission to:
    • config.php
    • templates/*
  3. Visit yourgame.com/path/to/ezrpg/install in your browser and follow the instructions.


ezRPG 1.2.x is open-sourced software licensed under the GNU GPL v3 license.