Cloud/Block Storage
At the moment the server is written in node js, later it will be in python.
Cloud/Block Storage stores chunks of files uploaded by the users. Clients directly interact with the storage to send and receive objects from it. Separation of the metadata from storage enables us to use any storage either in cloud or in-house.
Block server receives/sends data via tcp protocol. The client or application receives data through directory trees, folders, and individual files. This functions similarly to a local hard drive.
Quick and dirty solution: use the filesystem. Save each chunk to one file with a naming convention which includes the coordinates of the chunk (like world1_15_12_27.chunk).
Since the client application is PWA, we will use WebAssembly to speed up file processing. Therefore, part of the logic of the client application will execute c++ or another language.
Frequent errors: -> fatal error: 'bits/stdc++.h' file not found