f1u77y / wmc-mpris

MPRIS proxy for usage with Web Media Controller on GNU/Linux
The Unlicense
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wmc-mpris doesn't get infromation from nor send commands to Firefox #6

Open cjpbirkbeck opened 4 years ago

cjpbirkbeck commented 4 years ago

So I have installed the web extension via Mozilla's Add-on store, got wmc-mpris installed via my distro's package manager. And it seems to work, with playerctl listing web-media-controller.

$ playerctl --list-all

But using playerctl <cmd>, doesn't to do anything. Following the advise here, I looked at the properties and found that it seems like web-media-controller does not get any information from Firefox/the web-media-controller.

$ dbus-send --print-reply --type=method_call --dest=org.mpris.MediaPlayer2.web-media-controller.pid27534 /org/mpris/MediaPlayer2 org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties.GetAll string:'org.mpris.MediaPlayer2.Player'
method return time=1572478987.936083 sender=:1.321 -> destination=:1.335 serial=7 reply_serial=2
   array [
      dict entry(
         string "PlaybackStatus"
         variant             string ""
      dict entry(
         string "LoopStatus"
         variant             string ""
      dict entry(
         string "Rate"
         variant             double 1
      dict entry(
         string "Shuffle"
         variant             boolean false
      dict entry(
         string "Metadata"
         variant             array [
      dict entry(
         string "Volume"
         variant             double 0
      dict entry(
         string "Position"
         variant             int64 0
      dict entry(
         string "MinimumRate"
         variant             double 1
      dict entry(
         string "MaximumRate"
         variant             double 1
      dict entry(
         string "CanGoNext"
         variant             boolean false
      dict entry(
         string "CanGoPrevious"
         variant             boolean false
      dict entry(
         string "CanPlay"
         variant             boolean false
      dict entry(
         string "CanPause"
         variant             boolean false
      dict entry(
         string "CanSeek"
         variant             boolean false
      dict entry(
         string "CanControl"
         variant             boolean false
acrisci commented 4 years ago

If CanPlay is set to false and you issue a command to play, playerctl skips the player.