f5devcentral / f5-cli

Apache License 2.0
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The f5-cli repository has been archived.

If you are looking for alternative ways to leverage F5 Automation Toolchain, please refer to our Ansible (https://galaxy.ansible.com/f5networks/f5_bigip ) or Terraform (https://registry.terraform.io/providers/F5Networks/bigip/latest/docs).

Solutions documentation is available on (https://clouddocs.f5.com/)


The F5 CLI provides a command-line interface (CLI) to various F5 products and services. It focuses primarily on facilitating consuming our most popular APIs and services, currently including BIG-IP (via Automation Tool Chain) and F5 Cloud Services.

Similar to other popular cloud shells (for example, AWS CLI, Azure CLI, and Google gcloud), it is built on a python client library. For those looking to write custom automation scripts or workloads, one may choose to leverage the same python library it is built on (https://github.com/f5devcentral/f5-sdk-python).

The F5 CLI is currently in early development and we want to hear from you! To provide feedback on CLI or this documentation, you can file a GitHub Issue.


Table of Contents

Quick Start

Install F5 CLI with pip

pip install f5-cli
f5 --help

Run F5 CLI in Docker container

Example: Run the F5 CLI with docker container interactively

docker run -it -v "$HOME/.f5_cli:/root/.f5_cli" -v "$(pwd):/f5-cli" f5devcentral/f5-cli:latest /bin/bash

Example: Run the F5 CLI with docker container using an alias

alias f5='docker run -it -v "$HOME/.f5_cli:/root/.f5_cli" -v "$(pwd):/f5-cli" f5devcentral/f5-cli:latest f5'

Example: Run the F5 CLI with docker container from path

Another shortcut to launch f5-cli is to assign a file containing the following content in your system's PATH (ex. cat /usr/local/bin/f5). This example also set environment variable to set the log level and disable ssl warnings of the application.

#!/usr/bin bash
docker run -it --rm -e "F5_SDK_LOG_LEVEL=INFO" -e "F5_DISABLE_SSL_WARNINGS=true" -v "$HOME/.f5_cli:/root/.f5_cli" -v "$(pwd):/f5-cli" f5devcentral/f5-cli:latest f5 $@

Build F5 CLI Docker container locally

docker build -t f5-cli:latest .

User Documentation

See the documentation for details on installation, usage and much more.

Source Repository

See the source repository here.

Filing Issues and Getting Help

If you come across a bug or other issue when using the CLI, use GitHub Issues to submit an issue for our team. You can also see the current known issues on that page, which are tagged with a Known Issue label.

F5 CLI is community-supported. For more information, see the Support page.


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