Closed runnaman closed 1 year ago
Describe the bug Parsing bigip.conf results in UnicodeDecodeError
To Reproduce
Expected behavior No errors, cleaned UCS is exported.
Desktop (please complete the following information):
Additional context
Unable to find image 'f5devcentral/f5-journeyslab-ucsmodifier:latest' locally latest: Pulling from f5devcentral/f5-journeyslab-ucsmodifier Digest: sha256:282299499b062b7dca02ce05eeb217fbe8ace74e2c7204f84c04f2559f882f01 Status: Downloaded newer image for f5devcentral/f5-journeyslab-ucsmodifier:latest
root@6fe2549b78ce:/modifier# ucs-modifier .dockerignore setup.cfg ucs_modifier/ ucs_modifier.egg-info/
root@6fe2549b78ce:/modifier# ucs-modifier -u /UCS/BIGIP_Backup_5-May-2022_15.1.0.4.ucs -m -p default -o /UCS/BIGIP_Backup_5-May-2022_15.1.0.4-modified.ucs -d DEBUG: starting thread (client mode): 0x229f2c10 DEBUG: Local version/idstring: SSH-2.0-paramiko_2.8.1 DEBUG: Remote version/idstring: SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_7.4 INFO: Connected (version 2.0, client OpenSSH_7.4) DEBUG: kex algos:['ecdh-sha2-nistp256', 'ecdh-sha2-nistp384', 'diffie-hellman-group14-sha1', 'diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha1'] server key:['ssh-rsa', 'rsa-sha2-512', 'rsa-sha2-256', 'ssh-dss', 'ecdsa-sha2-nistp256', 'ssh-ed25519'] client encrypt:['', '', 'aes128-cbc', 'aes256-cbc', 'aes128-ctr', 'aes192-ctr', 'aes256-ctr', 'aes192-cbc'] server encrypt:['', '', 'aes128-cbc', 'aes256-cbc', 'aes128-ctr', 'aes192-ctr', 'aes256-ctr', 'aes192-cbc'] client mac:['hmac-sha1'] server mac:['hmac-sha1'] client compress:['none', ''] server compress:['none', ''] client lang:[''] server lang:[''] kex follows?False DEBUG: Kex agreed: ecdh-sha2-nistp256 DEBUG: HostKey agreed: ssh-ed25519 DEBUG: Cipher agreed: aes128-ctr DEBUG: MAC agreed: hmac-sha1 DEBUG: Compression agreed: none DEBUG: kex engine KexNistp256 specified hash_algo DEBUG: Switch to new keys ... DEBUG: Adding ssh-ed25519 host key for b'7bdf9d5ba3d50ff38739f1d9d447fd89' INFO: Key swap needed with, attempting DEBUG: No SSH keys to load DEBUG: Generating a RSA SSH key DEBUG: Host key found for, removing from known_hosts DEBUG: starting thread (client mode): 0x22a11e80 DEBUG: Local version/idstring: SSH-2.0-paramiko_2.8.1 DEBUG: Remote version/idstring: SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_7.4 INFO: Connected (version 2.0, client OpenSSH_7.4) DEBUG: kex algos:['ecdh-sha2-nistp256', 'ecdh-sha2-nistp384', 'diffie-hellman-group14-sha1', 'diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha1'] server key:['ssh-rsa', 'rsa-sha2-512', 'rsa-sha2-256', 'ssh-dss', 'ecdsa-sha2-nistp256', 'ssh-ed25519'] client encrypt:['', '', 'aes128-cbc', 'aes256-cbc', 'aes128-ctr', 'aes192-ctr', 'aes256-ctr', 'aes192-cbc'] server encrypt:['', '', 'aes128-cbc', 'aes256-cbc', 'aes128-ctr', 'aes192-ctr', 'aes256-ctr', 'aes192-cbc'] client mac:['hmac-sha1'] server mac:['hmac-sha1'] client compress:['none', ''] server compress:['none', ''] client lang:[''] server lang:[''] kex follows?False DEBUG: Kex agreed: ecdh-sha2-nistp256 DEBUG: HostKey agreed: ssh-ed25519 DEBUG: Cipher agreed: aes128-ctr DEBUG: MAC agreed: hmac-sha1 DEBUG: Compression agreed: none DEBUG: kex engine KexNistp256 specified hash_algo DEBUG: Switch to new keys ... DEBUG: EOF in transport thread DEBUG: userauth is OK DEBUG: Authentication type (password) not permitted. DEBUG: Allowed methods: ['publickey', 'keyboard-interactive', 'hostbased'] DEBUG: userauth is OK INFO: Authentication (keyboard-interactive) successful! DEBUG: [chan 0] Max packet in: 32768 bytes DEBUG: Received global request DEBUG: Rejecting global request from server. DEBUG: [chan 0] Max packet out: 32768 bytes DEBUG: Secsh channel 0 opened. DEBUG: [chan 0] Sesch channel 0 request ok INFO: [chan 0] Opened sftp connection (server version 3) DEBUG: [chan 0] open(b'.ssh/authorized_keys', 'a') DEBUG: [chan 0] open(b'.ssh/authorized_keys', 'a') -> 00000000 DEBUG: [chan 0] close(00000000) DEBUG: starting thread (client mode): 0x22816cd0 DEBUG: Local version/idstring: SSH-2.0-paramiko_2.8.1 DEBUG: Remote version/idstring: SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_7.4 INFO: Connected (version 2.0, client OpenSSH_7.4) DEBUG: kex algos:['ecdh-sha2-nistp256', 'ecdh-sha2-nistp384', 'diffie-hellman-group14-sha1', 'diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha1'] server key:['ssh-rsa', 'rsa-sha2-512', 'rsa-sha2-256', 'ssh-dss', 'ecdsa-sha2-nistp256', 'ssh-ed25519'] client encrypt:['', '', 'aes128-cbc', 'aes256-cbc', 'aes128-ctr', 'aes192-ctr', 'aes256-ctr', 'aes192-cbc'] server encrypt:['', '', 'aes128-cbc', 'aes256-cbc', 'aes128-ctr', 'aes192-ctr', 'aes256-ctr', 'aes192-cbc'] client mac:['hmac-sha1'] server mac:['hmac-sha1'] client compress:['none', ''] server compress:['none', ''] client lang:[''] server lang:[''] kex follows?False DEBUG: Kex agreed: ecdh-sha2-nistp256 DEBUG: HostKey agreed: ssh-ed25519 DEBUG: Cipher agreed: aes128-ctr DEBUG: MAC agreed: hmac-sha1 DEBUG: Compression agreed: none DEBUG: EOF in transport thread DEBUG: kex engine KexNistp256 specified hash_algo DEBUG: Switch to new keys ... DEBUG: Adding ssh-ed25519 host key for b'7bdf9d5ba3d50ff38739f1d9d447fd89' DEBUG: Trying discovered key b'7be13709afea7b9c7704ab6861e5e759' in /root/.ssh/id_rsa DEBUG: userauth is OK INFO: Authentication (publickey) successful! INFO: Key swap completed successfully DEBUG: RUN: sed -i -r 's/encrypted-password .[{|}].$/encrypted-password $1$salt$IEd.dPRrJY41NYnnaBENQ1/g' /tmp/tmpmf8_yv7f/config/bigip_user.conf OUT: ERR: RC=0 DEBUG: EOF in transport thread Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/local/bin/ucs-modifier", line 33, in sys.exit(load_entry_point('ucs-modifier', 'console_scripts', 'ucs-modifier')()) File "/modifier/ucs_modifier/", line 61, in main modifier = UcsModifier(address=address, extracted_ucs_dir=ucs_dir) File "/modifier/ucs_modifier/modifier/", line 39, in init self.config = self.ucs_reader.get_config() File "/modifier/ucs_modifier/journeys/utils/", line 32, in get_config return Config.from_dir(self.ucs_path("config")) File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/bigip_parser/", line 193, in from_dir return cls(config, bigdb, dirname) File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/bigip_parser/", line 220, in init raise ConfigLoadError( bigip_parser.errors.ConfigLoadError: Errors found during parsed config load: {'file': 'bigip.conf', 'error': 'UnicodeDecodeError(\'utf-8\', b\'app/eSewa-Org-AWAF\n predicates {\n {\n arguments false\n metric http.cache_control_header_exists\n operator eq\n }\n {\n arguments true\n metric http.referer_header_exists\n operator eq\n }\n {\n arguments 17\n metric http.headers_count\n operator eq\n }\n {\n arguments 2\n metric http.cache_control\n operator not-hashes-to\n }\n {\n arguments /authentication/views/login.html\n metric http.uri_file\n operator hashes-like\n }\n {\n arguments \\'\xfb\xb0W+\n metric http.referer\n operator hashes-like\n }\n {\n arguments 32-47\n metric http.uri_len\n operator between\n }\n {\n arguments accept:accept-encoding:connection:host:user-agent\n metric http.hdrorder\n operator hashes-like\n }\n }\n state mitigate\n type dynamic\n}\nsecurity dos dos-signature /Common/HTTPSig145078799280346564672433429941 {\n alias /Common/HTTPSig145078799280346564672433429941\n creation-time 2021-06-23:11:25:43\n family http\n hardware-offload disabled\n last-modified-time 2021-06-23:11:25:43\n manual-detection-threshold 0\n manual-mitigation-threshold 0\n origin dynamic-bdos\n parent-context /Common/eSewa-Prod-Org-443\n parent-context-type virtual-server\n parent-profile /Common/\n predicates {\n {\n arguments false\n metric http.cache_control_header_exists\n operator eq\n }\n {\n arguments true\n metric http.referer_header_exists\n operator eq\n }\n {\n arguments host:user-agent:accept:accept-encoding:connection\n metric http.hdrorder\n operator hashes-like\n }\n {\n arguments false\n metric http.content_type_header_exists\n operator eq\n }\n {\n arguments 62\n metric http.uri_file\n operator not-hashes-to\n }\n {\n arguments 20\n metric http.uri_file\n operator not-hashes-to\n }\n {\n arguments true\n metric http.cookie_header_exists\n operator eq\n }\n {\n arguments 8\n metric http.uri_file\n operator not-hashes-to\n }\n {\n arguments no-query\n metric http.uri_parameters\n operator eq\n }\n {\n arguments 19\n metric http.uri_file\n operator not-hashes-to\n }\n {\n arguments 40\n metric http.uri_file\n operator not-hashes-to\n }\n {\n arguments true\n metric http.accept_header_exists\n operator eq\n }\n {\n arguments\\n metric http.referer\n operator hashes-like\n }\n {\n arguments 9\n metric http.headers_count\n operator eq\n }\n {\n arguments 32-47\n metric http.uri_len\n operator between\n }\n }\n state mitigate\n type dynamic\n}\nsecurity dos dos-signature /Common/HTTPSig113947594508637337182509868607 {\n alias /Common/HTTPSig113947594508637337182509868607\n creation-time 2022-01-12:12:39:52\n family http\n hardware-offload disabled\n last-modified-time 2022-01-12:12:39:52\n manual-detection-threshold 0\n manual-mitigation-threshold 0\n origin dynamic-bdos\n parent-context /Common/Fonepay-Prod-443\n parent-context-type virtual-server\n parent-profile /Common/\n predicates {\n {\n arguments false\n metric http.pragma_header_exists\n operator eq\n }\n {\n arguments false\n metric http.cache_control_header_exists\n operator eq\n }\n {\n arguments false\n metric http.cookie_header_exists\n operator eq\n }\n {\n arguments false\n metric http.authorization_header_exists\n operator eq\n }\n {\n arguments true\n metric http.x_forwarded_for_header_exists\n operator eq\n }\n {\n arguments false\n metric http.content_type_header_exists\n operator eq\n }\n {\n arguments true\n metric http.accept_encoding_header_exists\n operator eq\n }\n {\n arguments true\n metric http.user_agent_header_exists\n operator eq\n }\n {\n arguments true\n metric http.connection_header_exists\n operator eq\n }\n {\n arguments true\n metric http.unknown_header_exists\n operator eq\n }\n {\n arguments 25\n metric http.hdrorder\n operator not-hashes-to\n }\n {\n arguments application\n metric http.accept\n operator doesn\\'t contain\n }\n {\n arguments no-query\n metric http.uri_parameters\n operator neq\n }\n {\n arguments OPTIONS\n metric http.request.method\n operator eq\n }\n {\n arguments true\n metric http.host_header_exists\n operator eq\n }\n {\n arguments false\n metric http.expect_header_exists\n operator eq\n }\n {\n arguments 20\n metric http.hdrorder\n operator not-hashes-to\n }\n {\n arguments false\n metric http.content_length_header_exists\n operator eq\n }\n {\n arguments 36\n metric http.uri_file\n operator not-hashes-to\n }\n {\n arguments\\n metric http.referer\n operator hashes-like\n }\n {\n arguments true\n metric http.referer_header_exists\n operator eq\n }\n {\n arguments 14\n metric http.headers_count\n operator eq\n }\n {\n arguments application\n metric http.content_type\n operator doesn\\'t contain"\n }\n {\n arguments true\n metric http.accept_header_exists\n operator eq\n }\n {\n arguments 32-47\n metric http.uri_len\n operator not-between\n }\n {\n arguments 16-31\n metric http.uri_len\n operator not-between\n }\n }\n state mitigate\n type dynamic\n}\nsecurity dos dos-signature /Common/HTTPSig181093786382433429941 {\n alias /Common/HTTPSig181093786382433429941\n creation-time 2021-06-23:12:47:38\n family http\n hardware-offload disabled\n last-modified-time 2021-06-23:12:47:38\n manual-detection-threshold 0\n manual-mitigation-threshold 0\n origin dynamic-bdos\n parent-context /Common/eSewa-Prod-Org-443\n parent-context-type virtual-server\n parent-profile /Common/\n predicates {\n {\n arguments true\n metric http.referer_header_exists\n operator eq\n }\n {\n arguments /authentication/views/login.html\n metric http.uri_file\n operator hashes-like\n }\n {\n arguments\\n metric http.referer\n operator hashes-like\n }\n {\n arguments 32-47\n metric http.uri_len\n operator between\n }\n {\n arguments 12\n metric http.headers_count\n operator eq\n }\n {\n arguments host:connecti\', 676, 677, \'invalid start byte\')', 'line': None}
Filled internal: SOLUTIONS-6876
fixed in the newest version 1.0.4
Describe the bug Parsing bigip.conf results in UnicodeDecodeError
To Reproduce
Expected behavior No errors, cleaned UCS is exported.
Desktop (please complete the following information):
Additional context
docker run -v /home/[user]/Downloads:/UCS -it f5devcentral/f5-journeyslab-ucsmodifier:latest
Unable to find image 'f5devcentral/f5-journeyslab-ucsmodifier:latest' locally latest: Pulling from f5devcentral/f5-journeyslab-ucsmodifier Digest: sha256:282299499b062b7dca02ce05eeb217fbe8ace74e2c7204f84c04f2559f882f01 Status: Downloaded newer image for f5devcentral/f5-journeyslab-ucsmodifier:latest
root@6fe2549b78ce:/modifier# ucs-modifier .dockerignore setup.cfg ucs_modifier/ ucs_modifier.egg-info/
root@6fe2549b78ce:/modifier# ucs-modifier -u /UCS/BIGIP_Backup_5-May-2022_15.1.0.4.ucs -m -p default -o /UCS/BIGIP_Backup_5-May-2022_15.1.0.4-modified.ucs -d DEBUG: starting thread (client mode): 0x229f2c10 DEBUG: Local version/idstring: SSH-2.0-paramiko_2.8.1 DEBUG: Remote version/idstring: SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_7.4 INFO: Connected (version 2.0, client OpenSSH_7.4) DEBUG: kex algos:['ecdh-sha2-nistp256', 'ecdh-sha2-nistp384', 'diffie-hellman-group14-sha1', 'diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha1'] server key:['ssh-rsa', 'rsa-sha2-512', 'rsa-sha2-256', 'ssh-dss', 'ecdsa-sha2-nistp256', 'ssh-ed25519'] client encrypt:['', '', 'aes128-cbc', 'aes256-cbc', 'aes128-ctr', 'aes192-ctr', 'aes256-ctr', 'aes192-cbc'] server encrypt:['', '', 'aes128-cbc', 'aes256-cbc', 'aes128-ctr', 'aes192-ctr', 'aes256-ctr', 'aes192-cbc'] client mac:['hmac-sha1'] server mac:['hmac-sha1'] client compress:['none', ''] server compress:['none', ''] client lang:[''] server lang:[''] kex follows?False DEBUG: Kex agreed: ecdh-sha2-nistp256 DEBUG: HostKey agreed: ssh-ed25519 DEBUG: Cipher agreed: aes128-ctr DEBUG: MAC agreed: hmac-sha1 DEBUG: Compression agreed: none DEBUG: kex engine KexNistp256 specified hash_algo
DEBUG: Switch to new keys ...
DEBUG: Adding ssh-ed25519 host key for b'7bdf9d5ba3d50ff38739f1d9d447fd89'
INFO: Key swap needed with, attempting
DEBUG: No SSH keys to load
DEBUG: Generating a RSA SSH key
DEBUG: Host key found for, removing from known_hosts
DEBUG: starting thread (client mode): 0x22a11e80
DEBUG: Local version/idstring: SSH-2.0-paramiko_2.8.1
DEBUG: Remote version/idstring: SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_7.4
INFO: Connected (version 2.0, client OpenSSH_7.4)
DEBUG: kex algos:['ecdh-sha2-nistp256', 'ecdh-sha2-nistp384', 'diffie-hellman-group14-sha1', 'diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha1'] server key:['ssh-rsa', 'rsa-sha2-512', 'rsa-sha2-256', 'ssh-dss', 'ecdsa-sha2-nistp256', 'ssh-ed25519'] client encrypt:['', '', 'aes128-cbc', 'aes256-cbc', 'aes128-ctr', 'aes192-ctr', 'aes256-ctr', 'aes192-cbc'] server encrypt:['', '', 'aes128-cbc', 'aes256-cbc', 'aes128-ctr', 'aes192-ctr', 'aes256-ctr', 'aes192-cbc'] client mac:['hmac-sha1'] server mac:['hmac-sha1'] client compress:['none', ''] server compress:['none', ''] client lang:[''] server lang:[''] kex follows?False
DEBUG: Kex agreed: ecdh-sha2-nistp256
DEBUG: HostKey agreed: ssh-ed25519
DEBUG: Cipher agreed: aes128-ctr
DEBUG: MAC agreed: hmac-sha1
DEBUG: Compression agreed: none
DEBUG: kex engine KexNistp256 specified hash_algo
DEBUG: Switch to new keys ...
DEBUG: EOF in transport thread
DEBUG: userauth is OK
DEBUG: Authentication type (password) not permitted.
DEBUG: Allowed methods: ['publickey', 'keyboard-interactive', 'hostbased']
DEBUG: userauth is OK
INFO: Authentication (keyboard-interactive) successful!
DEBUG: [chan 0] Max packet in: 32768 bytes
DEBUG: Received global request
DEBUG: Rejecting global request from server.
DEBUG: [chan 0] Max packet out: 32768 bytes
DEBUG: Secsh channel 0 opened.
DEBUG: [chan 0] Sesch channel 0 request ok
INFO: [chan 0] Opened sftp connection (server version 3)
DEBUG: [chan 0] open(b'.ssh/authorized_keys', 'a')
DEBUG: [chan 0] open(b'.ssh/authorized_keys', 'a') -> 00000000
DEBUG: [chan 0] close(00000000)
DEBUG: starting thread (client mode): 0x22816cd0
DEBUG: Local version/idstring: SSH-2.0-paramiko_2.8.1
DEBUG: Remote version/idstring: SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_7.4
INFO: Connected (version 2.0, client OpenSSH_7.4)
DEBUG: kex algos:['ecdh-sha2-nistp256', 'ecdh-sha2-nistp384', 'diffie-hellman-group14-sha1', 'diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha1'] server key:['ssh-rsa', 'rsa-sha2-512', 'rsa-sha2-256', 'ssh-dss', 'ecdsa-sha2-nistp256', 'ssh-ed25519'] client encrypt:['', '', 'aes128-cbc', 'aes256-cbc', 'aes128-ctr', 'aes192-ctr', 'aes256-ctr', 'aes192-cbc'] server encrypt:['', '', 'aes128-cbc', 'aes256-cbc', 'aes128-ctr', 'aes192-ctr', 'aes256-ctr', 'aes192-cbc'] client mac:['hmac-sha1'] server mac:['hmac-sha1'] client compress:['none', ''] server compress:['none', ''] client lang:[''] server lang:[''] kex follows?False
DEBUG: Kex agreed: ecdh-sha2-nistp256
DEBUG: HostKey agreed: ssh-ed25519
DEBUG: Cipher agreed: aes128-ctr
DEBUG: MAC agreed: hmac-sha1
DEBUG: Compression agreed: none
DEBUG: EOF in transport thread
DEBUG: kex engine KexNistp256 specified hash_algo
DEBUG: Switch to new keys ...
DEBUG: Adding ssh-ed25519 host key for b'7bdf9d5ba3d50ff38739f1d9d447fd89'
DEBUG: Trying discovered key b'7be13709afea7b9c7704ab6861e5e759' in /root/.ssh/id_rsa
DEBUG: userauth is OK
INFO: Authentication (publickey) successful!
INFO: Key swap completed successfully
DEBUG: RUN: sed -i -r 's/encrypted-password .[{|}].$/encrypted-password $1$salt$IEd.dPRrJY41NYnnaBENQ1/g' /tmp/tmpmf8_yv7f/config/bigip_user.conf
DEBUG: EOF in transport thread
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/local/bin/ucs-modifier", line 33, in
sys.exit(load_entry_point('ucs-modifier', 'console_scripts', 'ucs-modifier')())
File "/modifier/ucs_modifier/", line 61, in main
modifier = UcsModifier(address=address, extracted_ucs_dir=ucs_dir)
File "/modifier/ucs_modifier/modifier/", line 39, in init
self.config = self.ucs_reader.get_config()
File "/modifier/ucs_modifier/journeys/utils/", line 32, in get_config
return Config.from_dir(self.ucs_path("config"))
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/bigip_parser/", line 193, in from_dir
return cls(config, bigdb, dirname)
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/bigip_parser/", line 220, in init
raise ConfigLoadError(
bigip_parser.errors.ConfigLoadError: Errors found during parsed config load: {'file': 'bigip.conf', 'error': 'UnicodeDecodeError(\'utf-8\', b\'app/eSewa-Org-AWAF\n predicates {\n {\n arguments false\n metric http.cache_control_header_exists\n operator eq\n }\n {\n arguments true\n metric http.referer_header_exists\n operator eq\n }\n {\n arguments 17\n metric http.headers_count\n operator eq\n }\n {\n arguments 2\n metric http.cache_control\n operator not-hashes-to\n }\n {\n arguments /authentication/views/login.html\n metric http.uri_file\n operator hashes-like\n }\n {\n arguments \\'\xfb\xb0W+\n metric http.referer\n operator hashes-like\n }\n {\n arguments 32-47\n metric http.uri_len\n operator between\n }\n {\n arguments accept:accept-encoding:connection:host:user-agent\n metric http.hdrorder\n operator hashes-like\n }\n }\n state mitigate\n type dynamic\n}\nsecurity dos dos-signature /Common/HTTPSig145078799280346564672433429941 {\n alias /Common/HTTPSig145078799280346564672433429941\n creation-time 2021-06-23:11:25:43\n family http\n hardware-offload disabled\n last-modified-time 2021-06-23:11:25:43\n manual-detection-threshold 0\n manual-mitigation-threshold 0\n origin dynamic-bdos\n parent-context /Common/eSewa-Prod-Org-443\n parent-context-type virtual-server\n parent-profile /Common/\n predicates {\n {\n arguments false\n metric http.cache_control_header_exists\n operator eq\n }\n {\n arguments true\n metric http.referer_header_exists\n operator eq\n }\n {\n arguments host:user-agent:accept:accept-encoding:connection\n metric http.hdrorder\n operator hashes-like\n }\n {\n arguments false\n metric http.content_type_header_exists\n operator eq\n }\n {\n arguments 62\n metric http.uri_file\n operator not-hashes-to\n }\n {\n arguments 20\n metric http.uri_file\n operator not-hashes-to\n }\n {\n arguments true\n metric http.cookie_header_exists\n operator eq\n }\n {\n arguments 8\n metric http.uri_file\n operator not-hashes-to\n }\n {\n arguments no-query\n metric http.uri_parameters\n operator eq\n }\n {\n arguments 19\n metric http.uri_file\n operator not-hashes-to\n }\n {\n arguments 40\n metric http.uri_file\n operator not-hashes-to\n }\n {\n arguments true\n metric http.accept_header_exists\n operator eq\n }\n {\n arguments\\n metric http.referer\n operator hashes-like\n }\n {\n arguments 9\n metric http.headers_count\n operator eq\n }\n {\n arguments 32-47\n metric http.uri_len\n operator between\n }\n }\n state mitigate\n type dynamic\n}\nsecurity dos dos-signature /Common/HTTPSig113947594508637337182509868607 {\n alias /Common/HTTPSig113947594508637337182509868607\n creation-time 2022-01-12:12:39:52\n family http\n hardware-offload disabled\n last-modified-time 2022-01-12:12:39:52\n manual-detection-threshold 0\n manual-mitigation-threshold 0\n origin dynamic-bdos\n parent-context /Common/Fonepay-Prod-443\n parent-context-type virtual-server\n parent-profile /Common/\n predicates {\n {\n arguments false\n metric http.pragma_header_exists\n operator eq\n }\n {\n arguments false\n metric http.cache_control_header_exists\n operator eq\n }\n {\n arguments false\n metric http.cookie_header_exists\n operator eq\n }\n {\n arguments false\n metric http.authorization_header_exists\n operator eq\n }\n {\n arguments true\n metric http.x_forwarded_for_header_exists\n operator eq\n }\n {\n arguments false\n metric http.content_type_header_exists\n operator eq\n }\n {\n arguments true\n metric http.accept_encoding_header_exists\n operator eq\n }\n {\n arguments true\n metric http.user_agent_header_exists\n operator eq\n }\n {\n arguments true\n metric http.connection_header_exists\n operator eq\n }\n {\n arguments true\n metric http.unknown_header_exists\n operator eq\n }\n {\n arguments 25\n metric http.hdrorder\n operator not-hashes-to\n }\n {\n arguments application\n metric http.accept\n operator doesn\\'t contain\n }\n {\n arguments no-query\n metric http.uri_parameters\n operator neq\n }\n {\n arguments OPTIONS\n metric http.request.method\n operator eq\n }\n {\n arguments true\n metric http.host_header_exists\n operator eq\n }\n {\n arguments false\n metric http.expect_header_exists\n operator eq\n }\n {\n arguments 20\n metric http.hdrorder\n operator not-hashes-to\n }\n {\n arguments false\n metric http.content_length_header_exists\n operator eq\n }\n {\n arguments 36\n metric http.uri_file\n operator not-hashes-to\n }\n {\n arguments\\n metric http.referer\n operator hashes-like\n }\n {\n arguments true\n metric http.referer_header_exists\n operator eq\n }\n {\n arguments 14\n metric http.headers_count\n operator eq\n }\n {\n arguments application\n metric http.content_type\n operator doesn\\'t contain"\n }\n {\n arguments true\n metric http.accept_header_exists\n operator eq\n }\n {\n arguments 32-47\n metric http.uri_len\n operator not-between\n }\n {\n arguments 16-31\n metric http.uri_len\n operator not-between\n }\n }\n state mitigate\n type dynamic\n}\nsecurity dos dos-signature /Common/HTTPSig181093786382433429941 {\n alias /Common/HTTPSig181093786382433429941\n creation-time 2021-06-23:12:47:38\n family http\n hardware-offload disabled\n last-modified-time 2021-06-23:12:47:38\n manual-detection-threshold 0\n manual-mitigation-threshold 0\n origin dynamic-bdos\n parent-context /Common/eSewa-Prod-Org-443\n parent-context-type virtual-server\n parent-profile /Common/\n predicates {\n {\n arguments true\n metric http.referer_header_exists\n operator eq\n }\n {\n arguments /authentication/views/login.html\n metric http.uri_file\n operator hashes-like\n }\n {\n arguments\\n metric http.referer\n operator hashes-like\n }\n {\n arguments 32-47\n metric http.uri_len\n operator between\n }\n {\n arguments 12\n metric http.headers_count\n operator eq\n }\n {\n arguments host:connecti\', 676, 677, \'invalid start byte\')', 'line': None}