f5devcentral / f5-journeys-lab-ucs-modifier

Laboratory UCS modification tool
Apache License 2.0
9 stars 0 forks source link




This tool modifies (sanitizes) UCS from source BIG-IP (11.x and later) to be restored onto laboratory BIG-IP that simplifies moving the configuration to laboratory and makes it easier to reproduce issues or test upgrades without affecting production. Main advantage is that it does not require access to source BIG-IP master key, certificates, keys or passwords.

Quick start

docker pull f5devcentral/f5-journeyslab-ucsmodifier:v1.0.4
docker run -v <local_directory_with_UCS>:/UCS -it f5devcentral/f5-journeyslab-ucsmodifier:v1.0.4
ucs-modifier -u <UCS_FILE_NAME>.ucs -m <IP> -p '<PASSWORD>'


To use Podman instead of Docker, we recommend creating a linux alias: alias docker='podman'

Download the docker image:

docker pull f5devcentral/f5-journeyslab-ucsmodifier:v1.0.4

Optional step (if the tool is to be run on an offline system):

Save and compress the image:

docker save f5devcentral/f5-journeyslab-ucsmodifier:v1.0.4 | gzip > f5-journeyslab-ucsmodifier_v1.0.4.tar.gz

Transfer archive to the offline system

Load image from the archive:

docker load < f5-journeyslab-ucsmodifier_v1.0.4.tar.gz

Preparation of the destination platform

Destination BIG-IP (lab):


  1. Run the image in the container interactively:

    docker run -v <local_directory_with_UCS>:/UCS -it f5devcentral/f5-journeyslab-ucsmodifier:v1.0.4
  2. Execute ucs-modifier in the container:

    ucs-modifier -u /UCS/<UCS_FILE_NAME>.ucs -m <MGMT_IP> -p '<PASSWORD>'
    • Destination BIG-IP lab should be prepared (and ready for ssh connection) before executing the "ucs-modifier..." command as it will connect to the target BIG-IP () to get some basic config (passwords, management IP, gateway - Details of the changes made).
    • By defualt modified UCS file (_modified.ucs) is saved to the same directory as the original UCS file provided (.ucs).
    • Only unencrypted UCS files (with .ucs extension) are supported.
  3. Transfer _modified.ucs to destination BIG-IP (lab)

    scp /UCS/<UCS_FILE_NAME>_modified.ucs <MGMT_IP>:/var/local/ucs/
  4. Load UCS:

Available arguments

usage: ucs-modifier [-h] -u UCS -m MGMT_IP [-p 'PASSWORD']
                    [--no-replace-cert] [-o OUTPUT] [-d]

Modifies the specified ucs file, removing any sensitive data using values and
files from destination BIG-IP

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -u UCS, --ucs UCS     Ucs file to modify
  -m MGMT_IP, --mgmt-ip MGMT_IP
                        Management IP of the target BIG-IP
  -p 'PASSWORD', --password 'PASSWORD'
                        Root password of the target BIG-IP in single quotes ('default' by
  --no-replace-cert     Skip replacing the certificates
  -o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
                        Target output UCS file name
  -d, --debug           Enable debug logging

Details of the changes made


Bug reporting

Let us know if something went wrong. By reporting issues, you support development of this project and get a chance of having it fixed soon. Please use bug template available here.

Feature requests

Ideas for enhancements are welcome here