f5devcentral / ps-convert

Convert with Policy Supervisor Tutorial
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============================================ Tutorial: Convert with Policy Supervisor

.. contents:: Table of Contents

Summary ################################ Use this tutorial and the provided sample policies with the Policy Supervisor <https://policysupervisor.io/>_ (PS) project to convert WAF policies between different WAF platforms. There are two distinct workflows for doing the conversions:

For more information and detailed "Getting Started Guide" please refer to the Policy Supervisor User Guide <./guide/README.MD>_

Supported WAF Solutions #####################################

The following use-cases involving F5 WAF solutions are currently supported by Policy Supervisor:

Policy Import From File:

Using Policy Supervisor standard workflow or the direct conversion utility you can quickly import and convert a WAF policy file from the following F5 WAF solutions:

Policy Ingest From Provider:

The standard workload within Policy Supervisor supports connecting to and ingesting the following policies:

Policy Deploy (and Attach) to Provider (automatic):

The standard workload within Policy Supervisor supports connecting to and deploying Policies as well as attaching them to applications for immediate protection for the following solutions (and features):

Policy Export to File(s):

Using Policy Supervisor standard workflow or the direct conversion utility you can quickly convert & export a WAF policy file to the following F5 WAF solutions:

Workstreams ################################

Policy Supervisor project simplifies the conversion and management of policies across multiple WAF solutions. It provides a web-based framework for connecting to and ingesting policies from user-configured Providers, as well as deployment and attachment of Policies to Providers. A standalone direct conversion utility is also provided to simplify conversions between different file formats.

.. figure:: ./assets/00-marketecture.png

Standard Policy Supervisor Workflow

  1. Authenticate and log in at Policy Supervisor <https://policysupervisor.io/>_
  2. Export a WAF policy from one of the supported providers; alternatively use a sample policy, such as one from AWAF </big-ip-awaf> or NAP </nginx-app-protect-waf>
  3. Import this policy into PS by going into Policies -> Add -> Import from File .. figure:: ./assets/02-import.png
  4. From the Context menu for any of the imported policies, select "Convert" and follow the prompts to create a set of Conversions. Use Reports to see the details of the conversion. .. figure:: ./assets/03-convert.png
  5. Download the converted policy JSON file(s) and import into your WAF solution. NOTE: for F5 Distributed Cloud you can copy + paste the JSON configuration into the corresponding area within the XC Console.

TIP: Create Providers (BIG-IP, NGINX, or F5 Distributed Cloud) to automate the ingestion of WAF policies, and deployment / attachment of policies to the apps serviced by the Provider.

Conversion Utility Workflow

  1. Export a WAF policy from one of the supported providers; alternatively use a sample policy, such as one from AWAF </big-ip-awaf> or NAP </nginx-app-protect-waf>
  2. Go directly into the Conversion Utility <https://policysupervisor.io/convert>_ and select the source Provider Type (AWAF or NGINX App Protect), and upload your exported policy file
  3. Select the target (destination) provider type forman to convert the policy into.
  4. Download the converted policy JSON(s) and import into your WAF solution. NOTE: for F5 Distributed Cloud you can copy + paste the JSON configuration into the corresponding area within the XC Console.

API and Swagger UI

Policy Supervisor is API-first by design. You can retrieve the OpenAPI Spec or use the Swagger UI to make API calls on the /docs/ page <https://policysupervisor.io/docs/>_. If using the Swagger UI to perform PS functions, be sure to set the X-Workspace-Key value in the 'Authorize' dialog. This ensures commands are ran against the intended workspace.

Rinse and Repeat!

Support and Enhancements

For Any issues or problems with the conversion or either one of the Workstreams, go ahead and raise an issue <https://github.com/f5devcentral/ps-convert/issues/new>_. You can also connect with our team for questions or enhancements by contacting the following email alias: policysupervisor[AT]f5.com. Please allow a couple of days for a reply and follow up on your issue.