f5devcentral / terraform-gcp-f5-sca

The Secure Cloud Architecture (SCA) is a location & cloud agnostic flexible and repeatable conceptual deployment pattern that can adapt for all customers challenges in the cloud.
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Google Cloud Platform Secure Cloud Architecture


Secure Cloud Architecture in Google Cloud Platform using F5 technologies



copy admin tfvars example to your own and update with your license keys

mv admin.auto.tfvars.example admin.auto.tfvars


Getting Started

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Name Version
terraform ~> 0.12


Name Version
google n/a
local n/a
random n/a
template n/a


Name Description Type Default Required
adminAccount admin account any n/a yes
adminPassword admin password any n/a yes
adminSourceAddress admin src address in cidr any n/a yes
aliasIpRange alias/secondary IP subnet range string "" no
application application tag for resources string "f5app" no
as3Url path to application services 3 rpm string "https://github.com/F5Networks/f5-appsvcs-extension/releases/download/v3.21.0/f5-appsvcs-3.21.0-4.noarch.rpm" no
bigIqHost ip address of bigiq license manager string "" no
bigIqHypervisor hypervisor type when sending request to license manager string "gce" no
bigIqLicensePool name of bigiq license pool string "" no
bigIqLicenseType type of bigiq license when using a license manager string "" no
bigIqSecret name of google secrets manager secret with bigiq password string "" no
bigIqSkuKeyword1 sku type name for bigiq license pool string "" no
bigIqSkuKeyword2 addtional sku type name for bigiq license pool string "" no
bigIqUnitOfMeasure unit of measure for bigiq license pool ( hourly|monthly|yearly) string "" no
bigIqUsername user name for bigiq license manager string "" no
bigipCloudFailoverLabel tag for resources managed by cloud failover extension string "mydeployment" no
bigipCustomImageName path to custom gce bigip image string "" no
bigipHost1Name hostname of first bigip device string "f5vm01" no
bigipHost2Name hostname of second bigip device string "f5vm02" no
bigipImageName default gce bigip image name string "projects/f5-7626-networks-public/global/images/f5-bigip-15-1-0-4-0-0-6-payg-best-1gbps-200618231635" no
bigipMachineType bigip gce instance size string "n1-standard-8" no
bigipOnboardLog path to bigip onboarding logs string "/var/log/cloud/onboard.log" no
bigipSecret name of google secrets manager secret where bigip credentials are stored any n/a yes
bigipUsername adminstrative account for bigip access name any n/a yes
cfUrl path to cloud failover rpm string "https://github.com/F5Networks/f5-cloud-failover-extension/releases/download/v1.4.0/f5-cloud-failover-1.4.0-0.noarch.rpm" no
controllerAccount name of controller admin account string "admin@nginx-gcp.internal" no
controllerBucket name of controller installer bucket string "none" no
controllerLicense license for controller string "none" no
controllerPassword pass of controller admin account string "admin123!" no
controllerVersion (optional) Version of controller to install string "3.9.0" no
costcenter tag for resources string "f5costcenter" no
customUserData body of custom bigip userdata string "" no
dbPass pass of controller admin account string "naaspassword" no
dbUser pass of controller admin account string "naas" no
dnsServer address of addtionale dns server for bigip devices string "" no
dnsSuffix dns suffix for bigip devices often your .c.yourproject any n/a yes
doUrl path to declarative onboarding rpm string "https://github.com/F5Networks/f5-declarative-onboarding/releases/download/v1.14.0/f5-declarative-onboarding-1.14.0-1.noarch.rpm" no
environment tag for resources ex. dev/staging/prod string "f5env" no
extSubnet external vpc subnet range name string "ext-sub-example" no
extVpc external vpc network string "terraform-network-ext-example" no
gceSshPublicKey body of bigip ssh public key used to access instances any n/a yes
gcpProjectId gcp project id any n/a yes
gcpRegion region where gke is deployed any n/a yes
gcpZone zone where gke is deployed any n/a yes
gkeVersion GKE release version string "1.16.15-gke.1600" no
group tag for resources string "f5group" no
intSubnet internal vpc subnet range name string "int-sub-example" no
intVpc internal vpc network string "terraform-network-int-example" no
license1 body of bigip license key when using BYOL string "" no
license2 body of bigip license key when using BYOL string "" no
managedRoute1 managed route cidr for cloud failover extension string "" no
mgmtSubnet management vpc subnet range name string "mgmt-sub-example" no
mgmtVpc device management vpc network string "terraform-network-mgmt-example" no
nginxCert cert for nginxplus any n/a yes
nginxKey key for nginxplus any n/a yes
ntpServer address of bigip reachable ntp servers string "0.us.pool.ntp.org" no
owner tag for resources string "f5owner" no
podCidr k8s pod cidr string "" no
prefix prefix for resources any n/a yes
privateKeyId name of existing private key any n/a yes
purpose tag for resources string "public" no
serviceAccount machine service account with access to compute api any n/a yes
serviceAccountSecretName secret name accessible by service account any n/a yes
timezone default timezome for bigip devices string "UTC" no
tsUrl path to telemetry streaming rpm string "https://github.com/F5Networks/f5-telemetry-streaming/releases/download/v1.13.0/f5-telemetry-1.13.0-2.noarch.rpm" no


Name Description
f5vm01_mgmt_pip Outputs bigip output "f5vm01_ext_selfip" { value = google_compute_instance.f5vm01.network_interface.0.network_ip } output "f5vm01_ext_selfip_pip" { value = google_compute_instance.f5vm01.network_interface.0.access_config.0.nat_ip } output "f5vm01_mgmt_ip" { value = google_compute_instance.f5vm01.network_interface.1.network_ip }
f5vm01_mgmt_pip_url n/a
f5vm02_mgmt_pip output "f5vm01_mgmt_name" { value = google_compute_instance.f5vm01.name } output "f5vm02_ext_selfip" { value = google_compute_instance.f5vm02.network_interface.0.network_ip } output "f5vm02_ext_selfip_pip" { value = google_compute_instance.f5vm02.network_interface.0.access_config.0.nat_ip } output "f5vm02_mgmt_ip" { value = google_compute_instance.f5vm02.network_interface.1.network_ip }
f5vm02_mgmt_pip_url n/a
public_vip output "f5vm02_mgmt_name" { value = google_compute_instance.f5vm02.name }
public_vip_url n/a


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Apache License 2.0


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