f90 / FactorGAN

FactorGAN - Training GANs with missing data
MIT License
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This respository implements "FactorGAN" as described in the paper

"Training Generative Adversarial Networks from Incomplete Observations using Factorised Discriminators"

FactorGAN - Quick introduction

Consider training a GAN to solve some generation task, where a sample can be naturally divided into multiple parts. As one example, we will use images of shoes along with a drawing of their edges (see diagram below).

With a normal GAN for this task, the generator just outputs a pair of images, which the discriminator then analyses as a whole. For training the discriminator, you use real shoe-edge image pairs from a "paired" dataset.

But what if you only have a few of these paired samples, but many more individual shoe OR edge images? You cannot use these for GAN training to improve the quality of your shoes and edges further, as the discriminator needs shoe-edge image pairs.

That is where the FactorGAN comes in. As shown below, it makes use of all available data (shoe-edge pairs, shoes alone, edges alone):

To achieve this, FactorGAN uses four discriminators:

Training works by alternating between a) updating all discriminators (individually) and b) updating the generator. Amazingly, we can update the generator just like in a normal GAN, by simply adding the unnormalised discriminator outputs and using the result for the generator loss. This combined output can be proven to approximate the same probability for real and fake inputs as estimated by a normal GAN discriminator.

In our experiments, the FactorGAN provides very good output quality even with just very few paired samples, as the shoe and edge discriminators trained on the additional unpaired samples help the generator to output realistic shoes and edge maps.

This principle can also be used for conditional generation (aka prediction tasks). Let's take image segmentation as an example:

The generator now acts as a segmentation model, predicting the segmentation from a given city scene. In contrast to a normal conditional GAN, whose discriminator requires the scene along with its segmentation as "paired" input, here we use

We perform segmentaiton experiments on the Cityscapes dataset, treating the samples as unpaired (like the CycleGAN). But we find that adding as few as 25 paired samples yields substantially higher segmentation accuracy than the CycleGAN - suggesting that the FactorGAN fills a gap between fully unsupervised and fully supervised methods by making efficient use of both paired and unpaired samples.



Install the required packages as listed in requirements.txt. To ensure existing packages do not interfere with the installation, it is best to create a virtual environment with virtualenv first and then install the packages separately into that environment. Easy installation can be performed using

pip install -r requirements.txt

Dataset download

Cityscapes and Edges2Shoes

For experiments involving Cityscapes or Edges2Shoes data, you need to download these datasets first. To do this, change to the datasets/image2image subfolder in your commandline using

cd datasets/image2image

and then simply execute

./download_image2image.sh cityscapes


./download_image2image.sh edges2shoes

MUSDB18 (audio separation)

For audio source separation experiments, you will need to download the MUSDB18 dataset from Zenodo manually, since it requires requesting access, and extract it to a folder of your choice.

When running the training script, you can point to the MUSDB dataset folder by giving its path as a command-line parameter.

Running experiments

To run the experiments, execute the script corresponding to the particular application, from the root directory of the repository:

Each experiment in the paper can be replicated by specifying the experimental parameters via the commandline.

Firstly, there is a set of parameters shared between all experiments, which are described in training/TrainingOptions.py. The most important ones are:

Every experiment also has specific extra commandline parameters which are explained in the code file for each experiment.


Train a GAN on PairedMNIST with 1000 joint samples, using GPU, and save results in out/PairedMNIST/100_samples_GAN:

python PairedMNIST.py --cuda --factorGAN 0 --num_joint_samples 1000 --experiment_name "100_samples_GAN"

Train a FactorGAN to generate scene-segmentation image pairs with 100 joint samples on the Cityscapes dataset, using GPU, and save results in out/ImagePairs/cityscapes/100_samples_factorGAN:

python ImagePairs.py --cuda --dataset "cityscapes" --num_joint_samples 100 --factorGAN 1 --experiment_name "100_samples_factorGAN"

Train a FactorGAN to for image segmentation on the Cityscapes dataset with 25 joint samples on the Cityscapes dataset, using GPU, and save results in out/Image2Image_cityscapes/25_samples_factorGAN:

python Image2Image.py --cuda --dataset "cityscapes" --num_joint_samples 25 --factorGAN 1 --experiment_name "25_samples_factorGAN"

Analysing and plotting results

The analysis subfolder contains

Some of them require the full output of an experiment, so the experiment needs to be run first, and the path to the resulting output folder can be inserted into the script. They are not included in the repository directly as they can be quite large.