faaez / BeneTag

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Consider the tags that you find on the inside of pieces of clothing. They probably say something like “Made in Country X” and little else. You might see a barcode that is generic to all units of the same product. But there is so much more to know about a product than basic facts that are the same for all units. Who made it? Under what working conditions? How far did the product travel to get to you? BeneTags will replace these mostly ignored tags with a simple-to-scan QR code or an RFID tag, and open a whole new world of information to the consumers.

BeneTag pages are dynamic, unlike their static tag counterparts. They simultaneously provide information about the specific unit a consumers owns, provides a way for producers to remain in touch with their customers, and for consumers to get and share feedback with other consumers. BeneTags have the potential to catalyze the movement towards fair trade. By providing an easy way to provide information about how products are made, customers will begin to expect that manufacturers commit to ethical practices. Manufacturers can simultaneously benefit from a relationship with the customer that goes beyond the checkout counter, and receive viral publicity.