fab-jul / RC-PyTorch

PyTorch code for the CVPR'20 paper "Learning Better Lossless Compression Using Lossy Compression"
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Learning Better Lossless Compression Using Lossy Compression

[Paper] [Slides]


We leverage the powerful lossy image compression algorithm BPG to build a lossless image compression system. Specifically, the original image is first decomposed into the lossy reconstruction obtained after compressing it with BPG and the corresponding residual. We then model the distribution of the residual with a convolutional neural network-based probabilistic model that is conditioned on the BPG reconstruction, and combine it with entropy coding to losslessly encode the residual. Finally, the image is stored using the concatenation of the bitstreams produced by BPG and the learned residual coder. The resulting compression system achieves state-of-the-art performance in learned lossless full-resolution image compression, outperforming previous learned approaches as well as PNG, WebP, and JPEG2000.

About the Code

The released code is very close to what we used when running experiments for the paper. The codebase evolved from the L3C repo and contains code that is unused in this paper.


Files specific to this paper usually are post-fixed "enhancement" or "enh" as this was the internal name. We frequently use the following terms:

Setup Environment

Folder structure

The following is the suggested structure that is assumed by this README, but any other structure is supported:

    datasets/       <-- See the "Preparing datasets" section.
    models/         <-- The result of get_models.sh, see below.
    RC-PyTorch/     <-- The result of a git clone of this repo.
        README.md   <-- This file.

To set this up:

mkdir -p "$RC_ROOT"
mkdir -p "$RC_ROOT/datasets"
mkdir -p "$RC_ROOT/models"
pushd $RC_ROOT
git clone https://github.com/fab-jul/RC-PyTorch


To run the code in this repo, you need BPG. Follow the instractions on http://bellard.org/bpg/ to install it.

Afterwards, make sure bpgenc and bpgdec is in $PATH by running bpgenc in your console. You can also run the following script to test:

pushd $RC_ROOT/RC-PyTorch/src
bash test_bpg_available.sh

Python Environment

To run the code, you need Python 3.7 or newer, and PyTorch 1.1.0. The following assumes you use conda to set this up:

NAME=pyt11  # You can change this to whatever you want.
conda create -n $NAME python==3.7 pip -y
conda activate $NAME

# Note that we're using PyTorch 1.1 and CUDA 10.0. 
# Other combinations may also work but have not been tested!
conda install pytorch==1.1.0 torchvision cudatoolkit==10.0.130 -c pytorch

# Install the pip requirements
pushd $RC_ROOT/RC-PyTorch/src
pip install -r requirements.txt

Preparing Evaluation Datasets

We preprocess our datasets by compressing each image with a variety of BPG quantization levels, as described in the following. Since the Q-classifier has been trained for Q \in {9, ..., 17}, that's the range we use. Thanks to precomputing differnt Q's, these evaluation data sets can be used for experimentation. Note that for a fixed inference model only the BPG image with the Q predicted by QC has to be computed.

CLIC.mobile and CLIC.pro

pushd "$RC_ROOT/datasets"

wget https://data.vision.ee.ethz.ch/cvl/clic/mobile_valid_2020.zip
unzip mobile_valid_2020.zip  # Note: if you don't have unzip, use "jar xf"
mv valid mobile_valid  # Give the extracted archive a unique name

wget https://data.vision.ee.ethz.ch/cvl/clic/professional_valid_2020.zip
unzip professional_valid_2020.zip
mv valid professional_valid  # Give the extracted archive a unique name

Preprocess with BPG.

pushd "$RC_ROOT/RC-PyTorch/src"
bash prep_bpg_ds.sh A9_17 $RC_ROOT/datasets/mobile_valid
bash prep_bpg_ds.sh A9_17 $RC_ROOT/datasets/professional_valid

Open Images Validation 500

For Open Images, we use the same validation set that we used for L3C:

pushd "$RC_ROOT/datasets"
wget http://data.vision.ee.ethz.ch/mentzerf/validation_sets_lossless/val_oi_500_r.tar.gz
mkdir val_oi_500_r && pushd val_oi_500_r
tar xvf ../val_oi_500_r.tar.gz

pushd "$RC_ROOT/RC-PyTorch/src"
bash prep_bpg_ds.sh A9_17 $RC_ROOT/datasets/val_oi_500_r


pushd "$RC_ROOT/datasets"
wget http://data.vision.ee.ethz.ch/cvl/DIV2K/DIV2K_valid_HR.zip
unzip DIV2K_valid_HR.zip

pushd "$RC_ROOT/RC-PyTorch/src"
bash prep_bpg_ds.sh A9_17 $RC_ROOT/datasets/DIV2K_valid_HR

Running models used in the paper

Download models

Download our models with get_models.sh:

bash get_models.sh "$MODELS_DIR"

Get bpsp on Open Images Validation 500

After downloading and preparing Open Images as above, and downloading the models, you can run our model on Open Images as follows, to test if all works:

# Running on Open Iamges 500

pushd "$RC_ROOT/RC-PyTorch/src"

# Note: depending on your environment, adapt CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES.
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python -u run_test.py \
    "$MODELS_DIR" 1109_1715 "AUTOEXPAND:$DATASET_DIR/val_oi_500_r" \
    --restore_itr 1000000 \
    --tau \
    --clf_p "$MODELS_DIR/1115_1729*/ckpts/*.pt" \
    --qstrategy CLF_ONLY

The first three arguments are the location of the models, the experiment ID (1109_1715 here), and the dataset dir. The dataset dir is special as we prefix it with AUTOEXPAND, which causes the tester to get all the BPG folders that we created in the previous step (another artifact of this being experimentation code). Here, you can also put any other dataset that you preprocessed similar to the above.

If all goes well, you should see the 2.790 reported in the paper:

testset         exp         itr      Q           bpsp
val_oi_500...   1109_1715   998500   1.393e+01   2.790

Get bpsp on all evaluation datasets from the paper

You can also pass multiple datasets by separating them with commas. For example, to run on all datasets of the paper (assuming you downloaded them as described above):

# Note: depending on your environment, adapt CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES.
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python -u run_test.py \
    "$MODELS_DIR" 1109_1715 \
    --restore_itr 1000000 \
    --tau \
    --clf_p "$MODELS_DIR/1115_1729*/ckpts/*.pt" \
    --qstrategy CLF_ONLY

Expected Output:

testset                 exp         itr      Q           bpsp
DIV2K_valid_HR...       1109_1715   998500   1.378e+01   3.078
mobile_valid...         1109_1715   998500   1.325e+01   2.537
professional_valid...   1109_1715   998500   1.385e+01   2.932
val_oi_500_r...         1109_1715   998500   1.393e+01   2.790


To get the sampling figures shown in the paper, pass --sample=some/dir to run_test.py.

Training your own models

Prepare dataset

We uploaded our training set as 10 .tar.gz files, which you can download and extract with the handy training_set_helper.py script:

pushd "$RC_ROOT/RC-PyTorch/src"

# Tars will be downloaded to $RC_ROOT/datasets/, and then the images will
# be in $RC_ROOT/datasets/train_oi_r.
python -u training_set_helper.py download_and_unpack "$TRAIN_DATA_DIR"

The tar files are downloaded sequentially and the unpacking then happens in parallel with 10 processes.

Next, you will need to compress each of these with a random quality factor using BPG, which is done with the following snippet. This may take a significant amount of time on a single machine, as you compress 300k+ images. We ran this on a CPU cluster, and the code structure for the cluster is in task_array.py, but likely would need significant adaptation for your setup. So instead, if you run the following as is, the work is split over 16 processes on the current machine, which may be bearable. If you have a beefier CPU, adapt MAX_PROCESS. On our single CPU, 24-core test machine it took ~10h with MAC_PROCESS=24.

pushd "$RC_ROOT/RC-PyTorch/src"
MAX_PROCESS=16 bash prep_bpg_ds.sh R12_14 $RC_ROOT/datasets/train_oi_r

You will also need a validation set. We used DIV2K_valid_HR_crop4, which you can get with:

pushd "$RC_ROOT/datasets"
wget http://data.vision.ee.ethz.ch/mentzerf/rc_data/DIV2K_valid_HR_rc.tar.gz
tar xvf DIV2K_valid_HR_rc.tar.gz

Train your own models

The following command was used to train the models released above:

# NOTE: This assumes that $RC_ROOT is set and that 
# DIV2K_VALID_HR_crop4 and DIV2K_VALID_HR_crop4_bpg_q12 exist
# at $RC_ROOT/datasets, as described above. If this is not the case,
# adapt the config file at configs/dl/new_oi_q12_14_128.cf.

# You can set this to whatever you want

# Note: depending on your environment, adapt CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES.
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python -u train.py \
    configs/ms/gdn_wide_deep3.cf \
    configs/dl/new_oi_q12_14_128.cf \
    $LOGS_DIR  \
    -p unet_skip 

Train Q-Classifier

Get the ground truth data.

To train the Q-Classifier, we need to figure out the optimal Qs for all images in the training set.

For the model we published (downloaded by get_model.sh, see above), the ground truth data is also avaiable and was downloaded by get_model.sh into $RC_ROOT/datasets/q_histories.

If you trained your own model, you need to create q_histories as follows:

# First make create the subset of the training set needed.
pushd "$RC_ROOT/RC-PyTorch/src"
python -u make_clf_training_set.py "$RC_ROOT/datasets/train_oi_r"

# Now compress with every image with 7 quality factors.
# This step will take a long time (~7h on a test machine).
# Set MAX_PROCESS to the number of cores of your machine for speed.
MAX_PROCESS=16 bash prep_bpg_ds.sh A11_17 "$RC_ROOT/datasets/train_oi_r_subset_clf"

# Now, we determine the optimal Qs, given a trained model. Replace
# "1109_1715" with the ID of the model you trained.
# Again, this may take a long time.
LIVE_HISTORY=1 CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python -u run_test.py \
    "$LOGS_DIR" 1109_1715 "AUTOEXPAND:$DATASET_DIR/train_oi_r_subset_clf" \
    --restore_itr 1000000 \
    --qstrategy MIN

This will create a .CSV file in $RC_ROOT/RC-PyTorch/src/q_histories. To use it in the next step, you need to adapt configs/dl/clf/model1715.cf to point to this folder.

Train Classifier

Given q_histories, the classifier can be trained with:

# You can set this to whatever you want

# Note: depending on your environment, adapt CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES.
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python -u train.py \
   configs/ms/clf/down2_nonorm_down.cf \
   configs/dl/clf/model1715.cf \


If you use the work released here for your research, please cite the paper:

  author = {Mentzer, Fabian and Gool, Luc Van and Tschannen, Michael},
  title = {Learning Better Lossless Compression Using Lossy Compression},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)},
  year = {2020}