fabianagonzalez / FlashCards_FabianaGonzalez

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Lab 4

App Description

TODO:// This App is created as a fun way of studying, where people can use it as a digital flashcard to improve their knowledge. Here, you can look every question with the answer that you inputed before. I include some animations that you can see while using the app.

App Walk-though

TODO:// Add the URL to your animated app walk-though gif in the image tag below. Make sure the gif actually renders and animates when viewing this README. (☝️ Remove this paragraph after after adding gif)



Lab 3

App Description

TODO:// This App is created as a fun way of studying, where people can use it as a digital flashcard to improve their knowledge. Here, you can look every question with the answer that you inputed before.

App Walk-though




App Description

TODO:// This App is created as a fun way of studying, where people can use it as a digital flashcard to improve their knowledge..

App Walk-though



Lab 1

App Description

TODO:// This App is created as a fun way of studying, where people can use it as a digital flashcard to improve their knowledge..

App Walk-though

TODO:// In the User stories section below, add an x between the -[ ] like this - [x] for any user story you complete. (☝️ Remove this paragraph after after checking off user stories)
