fabianhinz / RecipeHandler-4.0

collect categorise and share recipes
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about this project

A Progressive Web App to collect, categorise and share recipes. The project serves as playground for upcoming, exciting web standards. So don't expect it to work in IE11 :scream:. This can easily be deployed to a new Firebase project. If you need help with that feel free to contact me. The extensive usage of firestore security rules combined with custom claims (JWT) enables user administration


Getting started

  1. clone this repo
  2. install nodejs
  3. install vs code and the following plugins: (1), (2), (3)
  4. navigate into the root dir of the cloned repo and npm install via your prefered shell
  5. to start the webapp run npm start



firebase emulators

Deploy a preview version

Firebase offers the possibility to deploy preview versions on separate preview channels. An example for a channel ID is my_new_test_feature. For more information read the firebase docs.

  1. to build the project run npm run build
  2. to start the preview hosting run firebase hosting:channel:deploy YOUR_CHANNEL_ID
  3. access your project on the generated preview URI

from the local machine

export VERSION=$(git rev-parse --short HEAD) && npm run build && firebase deploy --only hosting --message $VERSION