fabianmichael / kirby-markdown-field

Super-sophisticated markdown editor for Kirby 3, community built.
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codemirror kirby-cms kirby-plugin markdown

Markdown Field for Kirby

Enhanced, extensible Markdown field for Kirby CMS. Now available in version 2!


💡 TL;DR: The Markdown field, you all have been waiting for!

Screenshot of the editor field


This plugin is completely free and published under the MIT license. However, if you are using it in a commercial project and want to help me keep up with maintenance, please consider ❤️ sponsoring me for securing the continued development of the plugin.

Table of Contents

1. Installation

This version of the plugin requires PHP 8.1 and Kirby 4.0.0 or higher. The recommended way of installing is by using Composer:

$ composer require fabianmichael/kirby-markdown-field

Alternatively, download and copy this repository to /site/plugins/markdown-field

2. Setup

This field can replace any textarea field you have set up and works out of the box with as little config as:

  label: My markdown editor
  type: markdown

3. Options

3.1. Available options

You have access to the very same options as the textarea field, and a few more:

Option Type Required Default Description
font string false monospace Sets the font family (sans-serif or monospace)
pages Object false see below Sets a custom query for the page selector dialog
size String false small Sets the empty height of the Markdown field

3.2. Font settings

You can choose between monospace (monospace) and sans-serif (sans) font. The monospace font offers a more sophisticated layout with indentation for multiline list elements, headings, and blockquote – things, which would be much harder to implement (and slower to calculate) for a proportional font.

While the sans-serif might be more appealing to non-technical writers at first, the monospace should be the preferred version in most cases.

3.3. Buttons

This field is packing the usual textarea buttons and many more.

headlines can contain the whole range of headings from h1 to h6, and therefore accepts an array of allowed levels (default is h1, h2, h3). Use headlines as key in this case:

  headlines: # no dash before the key name
    - h1
    - h2
    - h3
    - h4
    - h5
    - h6

You also have access to additional buttons:

  - blockquote
  - hr
  - strikethrough
  - pagelink
  - footnote

If you don't need it, you can hide the toolbar. This will also disable the keyboard shortcuts for all formats.

buttons: false

The full list of available buttons. As you can see, some buttons can also have configuration options. Take the bold button for example. Markdown allows different syntaxes for bold text, i.e. __bold__ and **bold**. The editor’s syntax highlighter will always recognize both, but you can adjust, what the editor will use when you click the toolbar button or by hitting the respective keyboard shortcut.

For the link and pagelink buttons, you can specify whether these should insert markdown or kirbytext markup. By default, this will be determined by the kirbytext option by default but can be overridden on a per-button basis.

All button configuration is optional, you can always use - ul instead of ul: -, if you want to stick to the default settings.

    - h1
    - h2
    - h3
    - h4
    - h5
    - h6
  bold: ** # or `__`
  link: null # or `markdown` or `kirbytext`
  pagelink: null # or `markdown` or `kirbytext`
  italic: * # or `_`
  - strikethrough
  - code
  ul: - # or `*`/`+`
  - ol
    blank: true # Show option for opening link in a new tab.
  - blockquote
  hr: *** # or `---`/`___`
  - strikethrough
  - highlight # textmarker (not supported by Kirby’s default markdown parser.)
  - pagelink
  - file
  - footnote
  - invisibles
  - divider # can be used multiple times

3.4. Keyboard Shortcuts

ℹ️ Keyboard shortcuts are only available for those buttons/heading levels enabled in the toolbar.

Block Formats

Format Mac/iOS Linux/Windows
Heading 1 ⌥⌃1 Alt+Shift+1
Heading 2 ⌥⌃2 Alt+Shift+2
Heading 3 ⌥⌃3 Alt+Shift+3
Heading 4 ⌥⌃4 Alt+Shift+4
Heading 5 ⌥⌃5 Alt+Shift+5
Heading 6 ⌥⌃6 Alt+Shift+6
Quote ⌥⌃q Alt+Shift+q
Bullet List ⌥⌃U Alt+Shift+u
Ordered List ⌥⌃O Alt+Shift+o

Inline Formats

Format Mac/iOS Linux/Windows
Bold ⌘B Ctrl+b
Italic ⌘I Ctrl+i
Link ⌘K Ctrl+k
Strikethrough ⌥⌃D Alt+Shift+d
Code ⌥⌃X Alt+Shift+x
Footnote ⌥⌃F Alt+Shift+f


Format Mac/iOS Linux/Windows
Show Whitespace ⌥⌃I Alt+Shift+i
Open clicked URL in new tab ⌘+Click Ctrl+Click


3.5. Pages

You can limit the options shown in the Pagelink dialog, by setting the pages option with a query (if unset, you'll be able to browse the entire website tree)

pages: kirby.page('my-page').children

You can also set the pages option to an object with other properties from the pages field such as info and text

  query: kirby.page('my-page').children
  info: "{{ page.tags }}"
  text: "{{ page.title.upper }}"

3.6. Size

You can define the height of the field when empty. The default is two-lines, which mimics the textarea's default empty height.

If you want the field to mimic a text field but with some markdown highlighting on top of it, set the size to one-line and buttons: false.

All predefined sizes are:

- one-line
- two-lines
- small (same as textarea)
- medium (same as textarea)
- large (same as textarea)
- huge (same as textarea)

Note that you can make the default height any height you want with some custom panel CSS. First, set the size option to any string you'd like:

size: custom-size

Then in your panel.css:

.k-markdown-input-wrap[data-size="custom-size"] {
  --cm-min-lines: 20;

4. Extension API

The API has changed from version 1, old plugins are not compatible anymore and require a few adjustments. See extension-examples folder.

There are two types of extensions, which allow you to extend the editor to adjust it better to your specific needs:

4.1 Custom options for pages, files, and uploads

Your extension can use a special endpoint to extend the base options for pages, files, and uploads with parameters set in the button configuration. See an example in the extension-examples/custom-pagelink folder.

// special routes to read options from the button configuration
this.input.endpoints.field + "/myextension/pages"
this.input.endpoints.field + "/myextension/uploads"
this.input.endpoints.field + "/myextension/files"

The end user can configure options for your extension as part of the button configuration:

  type: markdown
        query: site.index
        info: "{{ page.tags }}"

5. Development

# Dev mode
npm run dev

# Build plugin + autoprefix styles
npm run build

You must run the build process before pushing the repo, or else the hot-reload code will prevent it from working in any install.

7. Migrating from Version 1

8. Known Issues

9. What’s not supported (and never will be)

The way Markdown is used nowadays has changed since its inception, especially since GFM ("GitHub-Flavored Markdown") became popular and added some elements to the language.

10. License

MIT (but you are highly encouraged to ❤️ sponsor me if this piece of software helps you to pay your bills).

11. Credits

Text editor:


@fabianmichael, @sylvainjule, @medienbaecker, @mtsknn, @nsteiner, @rasteiner, @thomasfahrland, @johannschopplich

Inspired by: