fabien0102 / trelloblog

Use Trello as a database and back-office for a blogging system.
MIT License
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TAAB (Trello As A Blog) is a purely front-end blog that use a Trello public board as a back-end.

The idea was to take advantages of the incredible simplicity and flexibility of the Trello interface for a blogging system. This is possible thanks to the strong API that Trello provides.

Writing posts and managing the blog becomes dead-easy and insanely fast!

Demo and tutorials

A little demo with a pretty documentation of this project:


To contribute to the project:

That's it!

Running the test suite

You can run the unit test suite by executing npm test (or npm run test-single-run if you want to run the test only once).

Before running the end-to-end test suite, you have to execute npm run update-webdriver (only the first time).

Make sure you have a server running (npm start will give you one) and execute npm run protractor.


This insane - but awesome - idea was from Fabien Bernard.

He was joined in his madness by Nicolas Carlo and François Monniot.