fabienli / DokuwikiAndroid

Android application to access a dokuwiki
GNU General Public License v3.0
63 stars 6 forks source link


Android application to access a dokuwiki:


The application is currently on version beta.

This means that delivered features may have a lack of stability.

However, the application is already useable in the current state; considering that you're the only responsible in case of data loss or corruption.


What is already possible with the Application:

What is not yet covered:

Known issues:

when opening the application for the first time, no dokuwiki url is found and an error is displayed: update the settings to bypass this

User Guide:

  1. install the application (with direct download link, from Play Store, or build it yourself)
  2. open the application on your phone, and update the settings with: dokuwiki api’s url, user and password
  3. click on home link to display the first page


You can find latest delivery of this application on F-Droid: https://f-droid.org/en/packages/com.fabienli.dokuwiki/