Important notice: libspotify is no longer available for download. If you have installed, then sconsify should be working. Unfortunately, we don't know for how long.
A very early stage of a spotify console application.
Requirements: Libspotify SDK & PortAudio & Spotify user subscribed to the Premium tier of the Spotify Service (Libspotify SDK terms of use).
Download current version 0.5.0
Install dependencies:
$ pacman -S portaudio
$ yaourt -S libspotify
& debian
$ curl | sudo apt-key add - && sudo curl -o /etc/apt/sources.list.d/mopidy.list
$ sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install -y libportaudio2 libspotify12 --no-install-recommends
Fedora Workstation
Install libspotify-devel from rpmfusion-nonfree. Install instructions
$ sudo dnf install libspotify portaudio
Install brew, the missing package manager for OS X and
$ brew tap homebrew/binary
$ brew install portaudio
Then, download libspotify
12.1.51 for Mac OS X/Darwin
Uncompress the file and copy libspotify.framework to /Library/Frameworks (optional)
$ wget
$ sudo cp -R ./libspotify-12.1.51-Darwin-universal/libspotify.framework /Library/Frameworks
sconsify will load libspotify from /usr/local/opt/libspotify/lib/libspotify
. User should create a symbolic link to /usr/local/opt/libspotify/lib/libspotify
$ mkdir -p /usr/local/opt/libspotify/lib
$ ln -s /Library/Frameworks/libspotify.framework/libspotify /usr/local/opt/libspotify/lib
There are 2 modes:
Console user interface
mode: it presents a text user interface with playlists and tracks.
No user interface
mode: it doesn't present user interface and just shuffle tracks.
: Spotify username. If not present username will be asked.
Password will be asked. To not be asked you can set an environment variable with your password export SCONSIFY_PASSWORD=password
. Be aware your password will be exposed as plain text.
: Run Sconsify with Console User Interface. If false then no User Interface will be presented and it'll only shuffle tracks.
: Select just some playlists to play. Comma separated list.
: Play your playlist and repeat it after the last track.
: Silent mode when no UI is used.
: Shuffle tracks or follow playlist order.
← ↓ ↑ → for navigation.
or enter
: play selected track.
: play next track.
: pause.
: open a search field.
Search fields: album, artist or track
artist:the beatles
track:let it be
Aliases al
= album
, ar
= artist
, tr
= track
ar:the beatles
tr:let it be
: shuffle tracks from current playlist. Press again to go back to normal mode.
: shuffle tracks from all playlists. Press again to go back to normal mode.
: queue selected track to play next.
: repeat the playing track.
: delete selected element (playlist, track) from the UI (it doesn't save the change to spotify playlist).
: delete all tracks from the queue if the focus is on the queue.
Control C
or q
: exit.
Vi navigation style:
for navigation.
and Nk
where N is a number: repeat the command N times.
: go to first element.
: go to last element.
and NG
where N is a number: go to element at position N.
Temporary playlist. Type c
in the queue view, type a name and then a temporary playlist will appear containing all songs in the queue view.
: play next track.
Control C
: exit.
Sconsify starts a server for interprocess commands using sconsify -command <command>
. Available commands: replay, play_pause, next, pause
i3 bindings for multimedia keys:
bindsym XF86AudioPrev exec sconsify -command replay
bindsym XF86AudioPlay exec sconsify -command play_pause
bindsym XF86AudioNext exec sconsify -command next
# pause when locking computer with i3lock
bindsym Control+Mod1+l exec "i3lock -c 000000 && sconsify -command pause"
: create a new service in Automator
. Then pick Library > Utilities > Run Shell Script
. Drag it to the workflow. Pick no input
and then add to the script /path/to/sconsify -command replay
, save it. Go to Keyboard Shortcuts > Services
in System Settings, find the service you've just saved and type the desired shortcut. Repeat for each command (replay, play_pause, next, pause
If you prefer doing this within tmux, you can put the following lines to your .tmux.conf
bind-key F7 run-shell 'sconsify -command replay'
bind-key F8 run-shell 'sconsify -command play_pause'
bind-key F9 run-shell 'sconsify -command next'
Similar to .ackrc you can define default parameters in ~/.sconsify/sconsifyrc
Install go (same version from Dockerfile), glide and get a Spotify application key and copy as a byte array to /sconsify/spotify/spotify_key_array.key
var key = []byte{
0x02, 0xA2, ...
osx only: brew install pkgconfig
make build
When building for OSX you may face an issue where it doesn't get your application key. Just retry the build that eventually it will get the key.