fabjan / calver

BSD Zero Clause License
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Generate a CalVer version string from a log of Git commits.

Assuming you are not rewriting history in your release branches, calver can just be used in CI without having to use your git tags for persistence.

CalVer interpretation

calver will make a version string triple that is not incompatible with the SemVer syntax: there are no leading zeroes.

Given a git log, the version string MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH will be printed, where

To stay somewhat readable and still be ordered properly and agree with SemVer syntax, the MINOR version is calculated by adding the day with 100 * the month: January 1 is 101, January 11 is 111, November 1 is 1101, etc.


If this is your git log:

❯ git log --pretty=format:"%h %ad - %s" --date=short | head
7d050f0 2023-08-06 - add some notes on globals
3dfa35a 2023-08-06 - make render more clear
11532bf 2023-08-06 - make reciter more clear
b95f123 2023-08-06 - make it easier to build on macos
fea97f3 2023-08-06 - add gitignore
5c251dc 2023-08-06 - remove trailing whitespace
c86ea39 2018-09-23 - Fix breakage on Linux
525b1b6 2018-09-23 - Merge pull request #1 from ...
e393e19 2018-09-23 - Revert "Strip whitespace"
7d58136 2018-09-23 - Revert "CR/LF"

The last commit was on August 6 2023 and there were six commits in total that day. calver will yield:

❯ calver