fablabnbg / inkscape-silhouette

An extension to drive Silhouette vinyl cutters (e.g. Cameo, Portrait, Curio series) from within inkscape.
GNU General Public License v2.0
480 stars 113 forks source link


Run Python tests

An extension to drive a Silhouette Cameo and similar plotter devices from within inkscape. 100% pure python, ontop of the libusb backend.

Here is the wiki with photos and a video: https://github.com/fablabnbg/inkscape-silhouette/wiki

Supported Devices

This extension should work with the following devices:



Click to get steps WARNING: SNAP packages may cause issues. We use deb file shown later in this section. #### Install Inkscape and other requirements ```bash # Add inkscape dev team's PPA key to APT. # This project require minimum of inkscape V1.0+ # But we want to always keep to latest inkscape version sudo add-apt-repository ppa:inkscape.dev/stable # Install Inkscape sudo apt-get update sudo apt install inkscape # Install Inkscape with newer version directly from inkscape dev team # even if newer than what Ubuntu's package management team is willing # to certify at the moment sudo apt-get --with-new-pkgs upgrade inkscape # Install requirements for usb support sudo apt-get install python3-usb # Install requirements for Silhouette Multiple Actions sudo apt install python3-wxgtk4.0 # Install all requirements from python package manager sudo apt-get install python3-pip python3 -m pip install -U pip python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt ``` #### Install inkscape-silhouette From here, you should have all the required python packages and inkscape version. So now we shall install inkscape-silhouette, so scroll down the latest releases and head to the Assets section of releases and click on the *.deb file. You can then use `sudo apt-get install ./*.deb` where `*.deb` is the name of your newly downloaded file. * https://github.com/fablabnbg/inkscape-silhouette/releases

Other Debian based Linux

Click to get steps * Download https://github.com/fablabnbg/inkscape-silhouette/archive/main.zip * Unzip the archive into a directory (which will be called inkscape-silhouette-main by default) * In a terminal, change into that directory * Execute `make install-local` to install just in your user account, or (if you have permissions) `sudo make install` to install for all users * `sudo apt-get install python3-usb` if you have permissions, otherwise `python3 -m pip install usb` * restart inkscape, check that you see new menu entries "Extensions -> Export -> Send to Silhouette" and " ... -> Silhouette Multi Action".


Arch Linux

Click to get steps ```shell sudo pacman -S inkscape python-lxml python-pyusb git clone https://github.com/fablabnbg/inkscape-silhouette.git cd inkscape-silhouette ``` and then either `make install-local` to install just for your user account, or `sudo make install`

Fedora Linux

Click to get steps Install the necessary packages: `sudo dnf install python3-pyusb python3-matplotlib make` Clone the inkscape-silhoutte repo and make/install the extension: ```shell git clone https://github.com/fablabnbg/inkscape-silhouette.git cd inkscape-silhouette sudo make install ``` Add a new rule file to the udev device manager: `sudo nano /etc/udev/rules.d/99-graphtec-silhouette.rules` And add the following: `SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTR{idVendor}=="0b4d", ATTR{idProduct}=="1137", MODE="666"` Finally, load the file with: `sudo udevadm trigger`

Mac OS X

Click to get steps * Install prerequisites: * install homebrew http://brew.sh/ * `brew install libusb` * `brew install python3` * Install the extension: * `./install_osx.py` * Add brew python for user extensions in `~/Library/Application Support/org.inkscape.Inkscape/config/inkscape/preferences.xml` on ``. For details on selecting a specific interpreter version see [Inkscape Wiki - Extension Interpreters](https://inkscape.gitlab.io/extensions/documentation/authors/interpreters.html): * `python-interpreter="/usr/local/bin/python3"` on X86 platform * `python-interpreter="/opt/homebrew/bin/python3"` on ARM platform (Apple Silicon)


Click to get steps Note the recipe here specifies `py39-libusb1`. In case this is out of date, you need to choose the usb package appropriate to the version of python that runs by default as `python3`. ``` sudo pkg install inkscape py39-libusb1 cd /tmp wget -c "https://github.com/fablabnbg/inkscape-silhouette/archive/main.zip" unzip main.zip cd inkscape-silhouette-main sudo make install # OR: make install-local # latter installs only for this user ```


Click to get steps #### Driver These steps must be done with Silhouette device plugged in to USB port. * Download newest Zadig from http://zadig.akeo.ie/ * Go to menu options `List all devices` * Look for USB Printing Support in the dropdown list * Ensure USB ID is: `0B4D` (Graftek America) * Select driver `libusb-win32 (v1.2.6.0)` which will install a `libusb0`-Port for Windows * Click replace driver To later undo: * Run Zadig again * Go to menu options `List all devices` * Look for USB Printing Support in the dropdown list * Ensure USB ID is: `0B4D` (Graftek America) * Select driver `WinUsb` which will undo the prior change. * Click replace driver #### Python adapter * Inkscape usually comes with a Version of Python; ensure that feature under `Program Files/Python` is ticked upon installation or change/add features accordingly * Install pip (a package manager for python): * Download `get-pip.py` from https://bootstrap.pypa.io/get-pip.py and copy to the `bin` directory, e.g. `C:\Program Files\Inkscape\bin` * Open command line and navigate to the same directory, then enter `.\python.exe '.\get-pip.py'` * Install pyusb: * Still in command line enter `.\python.exe -m pip install pyusb` #### Silhouette inkscape extension itself * Download https://github.com/fablabnbg/inkscape-silhouette/archive/main.zip * Open the downloaded file and select the following five items: `silhouette`, `sendto_silhouette.inx`, `sendto_silhouette.py`, `silhouette_multi.inx`, `silhouette_multi.py` * Extract them to your `share\inkscape\extensions` directory, e.g. `C:\Program Files\Inkscape\share\inkscape\extensions` * Restart inkscape



Refer to the userguide instructions for further details.


Run sendto_silhouette.py --help for information on CLI usage.



>>> import usb.core
>>> usb.core.find()
<usb.core.Device object at 0xb720fb8c>

If this reports no usb.core.Device to you, please help troubleshoot.

>>> import usb.core
>>> usb.version_info[0]

This fails on win32/64 with 'module has no attribute 'version info' which then causes Graphtec.py to error even though usb.core is installed.


Misfeatures of InkCut that we do not 'feature'

