fabmob / myc-emissions-calculator

Web conversion of the MobiliseYourCity emissions calculator tool, used to calculate transport GHG emissions of cities and countries
MIT License
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MobiliseYourCity Emissions Calculator - Web version

The MobiliseYourCity Emissions Calculator aims at helping developing countries and cities to calculate transport GHG emissions for a reference year and Business-as-usual scenario (BAU) as well as a climate scenario with emission reductions from mitigation measures – the so called climate scenario. More info: https://www.mobiliseyourcity.net/mobiliseyourcity-emissions-calculator

The original MobiliseYourCity Emissions Calculator tool is an excel spreadsheet. The goal of this project is to convert it to a web version.

Why convert to the web

Moving the project to the web allows for a better maintainability and opens up to new features:

Who is behind the project

The original tool was developed by the German Institute for Energy and Environmental Research (IFEU) for MobiliseYourCity.

The web version of the tool is orchestrated and created by La Fabrique des Mobilités, with financial help from the French Development Agency (AFD) and valuable inputs from IFEU, MYC and the tool's users and reusers.

Features and changelog

A list and history of features is available in the CHANGELOG.md file.

More information, and illustrations can also be found on the Fabrique des Mobilités' wiki entry.

Technical aspects

The project is divided in a backend and a frontend, both written in typescript

Authentication of users and requests is done using Keycloak. The setup of the keycloak server is considered out of scope for now.

Data is saved in an sqlite3 database.



# Install dependencies
npm install
# Create an output folder
mkdir compile
# Compile and start
npm start

The npm start script runs the local typescript compilation binary and launches the server: node_modules/typescript/bin/tsc && node compile/index.js

The API is then accessible on http://localhost:8081

A specific port can be specified using the PORT environment variable:

PORT=8081 node compile/index.js


# Move to correct folder
cd frontend
# Install dependencies (force is required for rechart compatibility with react 18+)
npm install --force
# Compile and start
npm start

The frontend is then accessible on http://localhost:3000

To deploy on a non-development environment, it is recommended to build the frontend with npm run build and serve it using the backend. The backend is configured to statically serve files in the frontend/build/ folder.

Configurations such as backend URL can be edited in the frontend/.env file.


Contributions to this project are welcomed, be sure to check CONTRIBUTING.md for more details.