fabric8-quickstarts / vertx-web

Vert.x quickstart
Apache License 2.0
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Use the new vertx generator for f-m-p #55

Open davsclaus opened 7 years ago

davsclaus commented 7 years ago

We can simpify the pom.xml to use the f-m-p plugin to build the JAR and whatnot https://maven.fabric8.io/#generator-vertx

davsclaus commented 7 years ago

@kameshsampath maybe you want to take a look and do a PR to update this sample to use your new plugin

rhuss commented 7 years ago

@davsclaus we just need to make the first release to Maven central ;-) (which we will do today)

kameshsampath commented 7 years ago

will check this out later today @davsclaus and do the required update

kameshsampath commented 7 years ago

@davsclaus i have updated the project with v-m-p, but enroute found an https://github.com/fabric8io/vertx-maven-plugin/issues/15, will send a PR once we do the next release of the v-m-p

kameshsampath commented 7 years ago

@davsclaus and @rhuss - fixed this via https://github.com/fabric8-quickstarts/vertx-web/pull/57 , please review and merge. Tested locally via k8s and using plugin both works

davsclaus commented 7 years ago

Thanks just ran it locally and it works, however not sure why SVC shows the port as 0 and not the actual external port

[INFO] F8:[SVC] vertx-web: I had to use gofabric8 service vertx-web to get the external url so I can hit it from my web browser. The other quickstarts report correct port number than 0.

davsclaus commented 7 years ago

Ah I see the same port 0 in the cdi-cxf quickstart

[INFO] F8:[SVC] cdi-cxf:

@rhuss @jstrachan wonder if you guys have seen this with the new f-m-p that the service url listed dont include the correct external port number

The port can be retrieved from gofabric8

davsclaus:/Users/davsclaus/$ gofabric8 service cdi-cxf --url
rhuss commented 7 years ago

@davsclaus will check that tomorrow, thanks for reporting ;-)

rhuss commented 7 years ago

sorry, for the delay, its not forgotten. will tackle that hopefully today.