This quickstart run an embedded vert.x HTTP server in a standalone Java application on Kubernetes or OpenShift.
This example is implemented using very simple Java code.
This example is printing Hello World! from pod HOSTNAME as reply message when calling the HTTP server, which runs on port 8080.
The example can be built with
mvn clean install
The example can be run locally using the following Maven goal:
mvn clean install exec:java
It is assumed a running Kubernetes platform is already running. If not you can find details how to get started.
The example can be built and deployed using a single goal:
mvn fabric8:run
When the example runs in fabric8, you can use the OpenShift client tool to inspect the status
To list all the running pods:
oc get pods
Then find the name of the pod that runs this quickstart, and output the logs from the running pods with:
oc logs <name of pod>
You can also use the fabric8 web console to manage the running pods, and view logs and much more.
When the application is running, you can use a web browser to access the service. Assuming that you have a Vagrant setup you can access the service with
Notice: As it depends on your OpenShift setup, the hostname (route) might vary. Verify with oc get routes
hostname is valid for you.
You can also use the fabric8 web console to manage the running pods, and view logs and much more.
You can find more details about running this quickstart on the website. This also includes instructions how to change the Docker image user and registry.