fabrix-app / spool-sequelize

Spool: Sequelize ORM for Fabrix
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fabrix mysql orm postgres sequelize spool spools


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Loads Application Models (in api/models) into the Sequelize ORM; Integrates with spool-router to generate Tapestries for routes.


$ npm install @fabrix/spool-sequelize --save


Sequelize is a SQL orm and this spool uses that to add power to Fabrix models.


// config/main.ts
import { SequelizeSpool } from '@fabrix/spool-sequelize'
export const main = {
  // ...
  spools: [

A basic config/store.ts can be found here : https://github.com/fabrix-app/spool-sequelize/blob/master/archetype/config/stores.ts

A basic config/models.ts can be found here : https://github.com/fabrix-app/spool-sequelize/blob/master/archetype/config/models.ts

But generally, you can configure Sequelize similiarly to this:

// config/stores.ts
export const stores = {
  myStoreName: {
    orm: 'sequelize', // <-- This is the property that spool-sequelize looks for when building connections 
    // ... General Sequelize Configuration from the library's documentation
  // ... Other Store configurations


There are 2 ways to define a plugin for Sequelize in spool-sequelize, for all sequelize connections or just for a particular one:

1) Define plugins in config.sequelize

// config/sequelize.ts
export const sequelize = {
  plugins: {
    my_global_plugin: require('sequelize-plugin-name')

2) Define a plugins just for a particular store connection

// config/stores.ts
export const stores = {
  uristore: {
    migrate: 'drop',
    orm: 'sequelize',
    uri: 'sqlite://testuser:password@testhost:1234/testdb',
    plugins: {
      my_local_plugin: require('sequelize-plugin-name')


import { FabrixModel as Model } from '@fabrix/fabrix/dist/common'
import { SequelizeResolver } from '@fabrix/spool-sequelize'

export class User extends Model {
  // More about supported schema here : http://docs.sequelizejs.com/en/latest/docs/models-definition/
  static schema (app, Sequelize) {
    return {
       name: { type: Sequelize.STRING, allowNull: false },
       password: Sequelize.STRING,
       displayName: Sequelize.STRING

  static config (app, Sequelize) {
    return {
       migrate: 'drop', //override default models configurations if needed
       store: 'sqlite', //override default models configurations if needed
       // More informations about supported models options here : http://docs.sequelizejs.com/en/latest/docs/models-definition/#configuration
       options: {}

  // The Way this model interacts with Sequelize
  static get resolver () {
    return SequelizeResolver

  // If you need associations, put them here
  static associate(models) {
     // More information about associations here : http://docs.sequelizejs.com/en/latest/docs/associations/
     models.User.hasMany(models.Role, {
       as: 'roles',
       onDelete: 'CASCADE',
       foreignKey: {
         allowNull: true


// api/services/UserService.js
export class UserService extends Service {
   * Finds people with the given email.
   * @return Promise
   * @example {
   *    name: 'Ludwig Beethoven',
   *    email: 'someemail@email.com',
   *    favoriteColors: [
   *      { name: 'yellow', hex: 'ffff00' },
   *      { name: 'black', hex: '000000' }
   *     ]
   * }
  findUser (email) {
    //More info about queries here : http://docs.sequelizejs.com/en/latest/docs/models-usage/
    return this.app.models.User.find({ where: {email: email} })


You can use the SequleizeResolver to add custom resolutions to your models. For example:

import { SequelizeResolver } from '@fabrix/spool-sequelize'

export class CustomerResolver extends SequelizeResolver {
  findHappy(options = {}) {
    this.findAll({ where: { happy: true} }, options)

// NOTE: make sure to set CustomerResolver as the resolver on your Fabrix Model!

Now you can use it.

.then(happy => {
  this.app.log.info('This many users are happy', happy.length)

For more information about sequelize queries, please look at the official documentation

Tapestries query options

Some options can be provide as query param for the find method, example GET /api/v1/user.


You can add /api/v1/user?populate=all to populate all associations or use /api/v1/user?populate=field1,field2 to populate only some association.


By settings offset and limit you can do some pagination, example /api/v1/user?offset=10&limit=10 will return only 10 items started from 10 (id 10 to 20).


We love contributions! Please check out our Contributor's Guide for more information on how our projects are organized and how to get started.

Release Instructions

When the master is tagged with a release, it will automatically publish to npm, updates the Changelog and bumps the version. Fabrix uses the standard-version library to manage it all.

To run a patch release:

npm run release -- --release-as patch

and then commit to master. git push --follow-tags origin master

You can also test the release by running

npm run release -- --dry-run --release-as patch



