fabriziop / EEWL

The EEWL library allows to extend the EEPROM life by distributing data writes along a circular buffer.
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
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==================== EEWL Arduino Library

EEWL, EEPROM wear leveling. EEPROMs have a limited number of write cycles, approximately in the order of 100000 cycles, the EEWL library allows to extend the EEPROM life by distributing data writes along a circular buffer.

The EEWL library is well suited for storing both simple C++ data types (char, int, etc.) and structured data like C++ struct. EEPROMs are mainly used to store data that change unfrequently and need to be preserved accross power up/down cycles. The system configuration parameters are a typical example of such kind of data. This data can be fitted into a single data block defined by a C++ struct that can be easily managed by the EEWL library. When something is changed in the block and needs to be saved, the EEWL library store the whole block into EEPROM with a single call to the library. Similarly, the block is read.

The original EEPROM life is extended by a multiplication factor equal to the circular buffer len. The user can control this factor defining the len of the circular buffer.

When in the same system, there are data that have quite different change rate, they can be assigned to different data blocks, providing to keep data with similar change rate in the same block. In this way, it is possible to give a different length to the circular buffer of each block to obtain the same life time extension for all data. The EEWL library can manage several types of data blocks at the same time to achieve this goal.


Quick start

Here is a typical structure of an Arduino application using the EEWL library. It shows the scheme of a very simple management of system parameters that need to be saved to EEPROM.

.. code:: cpp


// EEPROM circular buffer configuration

define BUFFER_START 0x4 // buffer start address

define BUFFER_LEN 10 // number of data blocks

include "eewl.h"


// define a structure of data to be saved into EEPROM (an example). // User can put here the initialization values that will be in effect // when the application will be run the first time ever. struct { int parameter1 = 1; char parameter2[4] = {'a','b','c','d'}; double parameter3 = 0.123456789; } systemParameters;

// create EEWL object managing data EEWL sysParms(systemParameters, BUFFER_LEN, BUFFER_START_ADD); ...

void setup () { ...

// init EEWL object


// get saved system parameters or their initial values.
// From now, a copy of the system parameters is loaded into struct
// systemParameters available to the application.



void loop() { ... ...

if (isProgramTerminating && isSystemParametersChanged)
  // application is terminating: save system parameters.



If the application needs to differentiate the processing of the system parameters between the first time run and subsequent runs, the following code shows a solution.

.. code:: cpp


void setup() { ...

// init EEWL object


if (sysParms.get(systemParameters))
// system parameter where saved into EEPROM by the previous application 
// run. They are reloaded into systemParameters.
  // put here the code to process the system parameters left by
  // the previous application run.  
// this is the first time ever the application is run. System parameters
// are set to the initial values specified in systemParametrs definition.
  // put here the code to process the system parameters when the
  // application runs the first time ever.



EEPROM life extension

Here there are some simple criteria for sizing the circular buffer to obtain the required life extension of EEPROM memory. To be clearer let's refer to a popular type of processor used on Arduino boards: the AVR 328p. In this case, the datasheet tells us that there is an EEPROM memory with a size of 1K bytes and an expected life of 100000 write/erase cycles.

Let see a case where the application need to keep the cumulated up time (the powered up elapsed time) and the system hardware running the application is able to give an alert to the application just before the power off. In such a case, the application simply needs to read the up time from the last power up (output of the millis function), to add it to the cumulated up time (an unsigned long, 4 bytes) and to save it to the EEPROM. Each saving of the cumulated up time requires 5 bytes, 4 bytes for data and 1 byte overhead for the management of the circular buffer. If the specifications require a system life of 1,000,000 power cycles, an EEPROM life extension by a factor of 10 is required. This can be obtained by EEWL library specifying a circular buffer len of 10. Since each write to the circular buffer requires 5 bytes, altogether 50 bytes of EEPROM are needed.

ESP8266, ESP32 and RISC-V caveat

Since ESP8266, ESP32 and RISC-V processor boards simulate EEPROM using a RAM buffer and FLASH EPROM, they needs same sort of begin call before reading or writing the EEPROM. This code is embedded into the begin method of EEWL. This means that EEWL::begin must be called before any other EEWL method.

Multiple instances of EEWL can be also used, they are automatically managed for these types of processors whitin the calls to EEWL::begin.

AVR processor boards have a true EEPROM, so they do not need any EEPROM begin and multiple instances of EEWL and/or other program parts using EEPROM do not need any special provision to coexist in the same program.

Power off/on by USB connector unplug/plug caveat

When an arduino board is connected to a computer via USB and a power off/on cycle is done by unplug/plug the USB connector, the setup function in the sketch may be called twice. I experienced this behaviour on arduino nano and on ESP32. In this case, the EEWL examples that count the number of power cycles, increment by two at each cycle. A simple workaround is to add a 2/3 seconds delay at the beginning of setup function.

Module reference

The EEWL library is implemented as a single C++ class. An EEWL object needs to be instantiated with the proper parameters to manage the write/read operations in the circular buffer.

Objects and methods


This class embeds all EEWL object status info.

EEWL EEWL (data, int blk_num, int start_add);

The class constructor.

data: data to be written into EEPROM. It may be any data type of C++. Once defined, the data type can't be changed.

blk_num: circular buffer length as number of data blocks.

start_add: EEPROM start address where to allocate the circular buffer. WARNING: start_add = 0 is not allowed.

Returns an EEWL object.

void begin (void);

Init storage buffer structure. To be called in setup function before any other call to other class methods.

void fastFormat (void);

Format only essential metadata of circular buffer. Required to be run one time before the first EEPROM put/get. Called by begin if it does not found a well formatted circular buffer. Can be called to clear the whole circular buffer.

void put (data);

Save data into the EEPROM circular buffer.

data: data to be written into EEPROM. It must be the same data type specified in the class constructor.

bool get (data);

Read from EEPROM circular buffer into data.

data: data where to write data read from EEPROM. It must be the same data type specified in the class constructor.

Returns true if there is saved data. Returns false if there is no saved data.


See the "examples" directory.


By arduino IDE library manager or by unzipping EEWL.zip into arduino libraries.


Send wishes, comments, patches, etc. to mxgbot_a_t_gmail.com .


EEWL library is authored by Fabrizio Pollastri , years 2017-2023, under the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3.

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