fac-13 / HyGiJeJe

Web app with 2 api's
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Movie Search Thing 🎥

The Movie Search Thing is an app that lets you search a movie title and outputs a list of 4 movies that match your query, using the MovieDB API.

The app also lets you see 4 actors who star in the movie, using the Wikipedia API. The actors photos can be clicked to access their Wikipedia page.

In order to use the app, you need to:

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About our site

HOW: describing the journey to completion

13.03.18 - First discussions

  1. Discussed general idea for which api's to use in our project, our initial ideas (nearby movie and times locator, cute bunnies gif creator, recpie app generator with leftover ingredients & calorie counter)
  2. created HTML & CSS files.

14.03.18 - First day

  1. We Discussed and decided to create web app for children which teaches them about animals by providing information on the animal and where you can find them.

  2. We added the corresponding javascript files (dom.js, logic.js, test.js)

    • logic.js - for making the API calland storing the data in an object.
    • dom.js - for calling the API through the users click interaction and processing the data to the desired location on the HTML page.
    • test.js - Our functions were built using TDD whereby we create functions first and test it on a dummy object (testDoubles.js).
  3. Disater!!!

    We decided to use an external api from http://apiv3.iucnredlist.org/api/v3/docs however a request for their API key took longer than 2 days :scream_cat: :scream_cat: :scream_cat: :scream_cat:

    We took a major decision to change our whole project however still using the generic layout we had decided on.

    Our project now is a movies web app which outputs an image and information on the movie you search.

15.03.18 - Second day

  1. We created test functions for our API calls and tested them with test doubles.

  2. We traversed the dom to output the information on to the page using callbacks functions.

  3. We worked on the styling and layout of our app.

16.03.18 - Third day

  1. We responded to issues raised during code review.

  2. We worked on implementing the Wikipedia API call, so to display some information on the actors along with the details of the movie.