fac-freelancers / website

MIT License
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Freelance website

A website for the founders and coders freelance agency

Check it out here: http://fac-freelancers.github.io/website/

Any feedback is appreciated. Raise us an issue if you see an area which could be improved.

Quick start

To get started run:

git clone https://github.com/foundersandcoders/freelance-website.git && cd freelance-website

To see the current state of the site simply run:

open index.html

For Development

Setting up

Ensure you have harp installed:

Check with: harp --version

If you don't have it installed, install it with:

npm i -g harp

Adding/Editing Static Content


Anything edited outside of the _harp directory will not be compiled and will be removed on compile. Ensure everything modified is within the _harp directory

All of the static content for the site can be found in:


After editing cd to outside of the _harp directory and run _harp/build.sh


Again, ignore all the files in the root, they are compiled by harp.

The files to edit can all be found in the _harp and the _harp/public directory

After developing run the build.sh script in the _harp directory to compile your changes, run:



CSS/SCSS: Follow the SMACSS architecture as described here: https://smacss.com/

JS: Described in the .eslintrc file. To check that your files follow this convention ensure you have eslint installed and run:

eslint *

Rules for developing