fac-graduate-programme / Move-Dance-Feel

This is the 3rd Project for Founder & Coder's Founders Program
MIT License
1 stars 1 forks source link

Move Dance Feel:sparkles: Build Status

Click to visit the website

Team :two_women_holding_hands::two_men_holding_hands:


Initiated in 2016, Move Dance Feel offers free dance sessions to women affected by cancer, including those who are supporting someone with cancer. Dance in this context helps women to reconnect with their bodies and access group support

The project was to build a website would give the project much more of a professional facing, and enable us to share it more widely - especially when we approach funders and organisations for support.

The secondary aim was to make their operations much more efficient, to be able to direct people to a website where all the information is available, rather than having to e-mail contacts individually with resources. They are a very small team and our growth is stunted by not having the same resources that larger social enterprises or charities have.

Problem statement:fire:

The aim is to attract more health professionals in director positions and investors who can all play a vital role in the growth of Move Dance Feel.

The solution :boom:

A website that could be a collection of information, looked profesional and engageable.The design preoviusly, while very artistic lacked in some elements of usibility.

Search engine optimization was an element of this project. Move Dance Feel as an organisation needs to be easily found by people who would attemd the sessions and also people who could rcomend them.

Tech stack:computer:

:bulb:Handlebars.js :bulb:Express.js :bulb:Mustache :bulb:Nodemailer



  1. Clone this repo
  2. Create .envfile, get in contact for Environment variables
  3. use npm i to install all dependencies in the express server
  4. Run npm start to launch the project on localhost:7000


    • The project was forked for the client
    • Environment variables were changed
    • It is currently deployed on Heroku


    • Clean code and modularistion.
    • BEM naming conventions.
    • The next step is futher user testing
    • Any new featuers can be added in future


    • the original repo has Travis CI

Ideas for the next sprint:thought_balloon:

Project Timeline:clock1:

Week 1: Design Week :triangular_ruler:

Understand the problem

Week 2: Sprint 001 :mag:

Week 3: Sprint 002 :dart:

Week 4: Sprint 003 :ballot_box_with_check: