fac26 / final-project-ideas

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In-house Project


The In-house project (during weeks 7-9) is the first of two 3-week projects that take place in the second half of the apprenticeship programme. The project is composed of one design sprint and two build sprints. It is an opportunity to work on a larger project before Tech for Better (weeks 10-12).


In advance of week 5, each person in the cohort will come up with an idea for an In-house project.

Please have a think about what might be a good project. Once you have an idea, add a GitHub issue to this repo, outlining the idea and what might be the achievable learning outcomes of the project.

You can follow this template:

Each team will then choose one project to work on (during week 5).

There is no prescribed tech stack. Your teams will make decisions on what technologies to use to solve the problem. The project offers the chance to learn new technologies and see how a larger project fits together.

Please also comment on each other's ideas! #hivemind 🐝