fac28 / play-dates

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Play Dates

Play Dates is a shared calendar app

Remote Deployment

This app is deployed on fly.io and can be accessed at: https://play-dates.fly.dev/


Clone the project

  git clone https://github.com/fac28/play-dates.git

Go to the project directory

  cd play-dates

Install dependencies

  npm install

Seed the database

  npm run seed

Start the server

  npm run start

Database Schema

This app includes a database for a shared calendar. It has tables for users, sessions, events and partners. It's helpful to know the structure of the database before working with it. You can either read database/schema.sql, or expand the sections below.

users | column | type | constraints | | ---------- | -------- | ------------------------- | | id | integer | primary key autoincrement | | email | text | unique | | hash | text | | | created_at | datetime | DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP |
sessions | column | type | constraints | | ---------- | -------- | ------------------------- | | sid | text | primary key | | user_id | integer | references users(id) | | expires_at | datetime | not null | | created_at | datetime | DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP |
events | column | type | constraints | | ---------- | -------- | ------------------------- | | id | integer | primary key autoincrement | | user_id | integer | references users(id) | | content | text | | | event_date | datetime | NOT NULL | | created_at | datetime | DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP |


Start by registering an account. If you're already with us, just log in to see all the events you have added.

Click on the left or right button to switch to view another month.


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.

Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.