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This is a self contained software accompanying the paper titled: Learning Longer Memory in Recurrent Neural Networks: http://arxiv.org/abs/1412.7753.
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Structurally Constrained Recurrent Neural Network

This is a self contained software accompanying the paper titled: Learning Longer Memory in Recurrent Neural Networks: http://arxiv.org/abs/1412.7753. The code allows you to reproduce our results on two language modeling datasets:

The code implements three recurrent models:

It also allows you to play around with various hyper-parameters.


Here are some of the examples of how to use the code.

you type

th -i main.lua -dset ptb -name srnn_sm -nhid 100 -batchsz 32 -eta 0.05

you type

th -i main.lua -dset text8 -name lstm_sm -nhid 100 -batchsz 32 -eta 0.05 -blen 20 -bfreq 5

you type

th -i main.lua -dset text8 -name scrnn_sm -nhid 100 -nslow 20 -batchsz 32 -eta 0.05 -blen 30 -bfreq 5

To list all the options available, you need to type

th main.lua --help


The software requires you to have the following two packages already installed on your systems:


Download the files in an appropriate directory and run the code from there. See below.

How Structurally Constrained Recurrent Neural Network Software works

The top level file is called main.lua. In order to run the code you need to run the file using torch. For example:

th -i main.lua -<option1_name> option1_val -<option2_name> option2_val ...

In order to check what all options are available, type

th -i main.lua --help


Structurally Constrained Recurrent Neural Network is BSD-licensed. We also provide an additional patent grant.

Other Details

See the CONTRIBUTING file for how to help out.