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Capture and replay real mongodb workloads
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What is Flashback

How can you measure how good your MongoDB (or other databases with similar interface) performance is? Easy, you can benchmark it. A general way to solve this problem is to use a benchmark tool to generate queries with random contents under certain random distribution.

But sometimes you are not satisfied with the randomly generated queries, since you're not confident in how much these queries resemble your real workload.

The difficulty compounds when one MongoDB instance may host completely different types of databases that each have their own unique and complicated access patterns.

That is the reason we came up with Flashback, a MongoDB benchmark framework that allows us to benchmark with "real" queries. It is comprised of a set of scripts that fall into the 2 categories:

  1. records the operations(ops) that occur during a stretch of time;
  2. replays the recorded ops.

The two parts are not tied to each other and can be used independently for different purposes.

How it works


How do you know which ops are performed by MongoDB? There are a lot of ways to do this. But in Flashback, we record the ops by enabling MongoDB's profiling.

By setting the profile level to 2 (profile all ops), we'll be able to fetch the ops information detailed enough for future replay -- except for insert ops.

MongoDB does not log insertion details in the profile DB. However, if a MongoDB instance is working in a "replica set", we can capture insert information by reading the oplog.

Thus, we record the ops with the following steps:

  1. The script starts multiple threads to pull the profiling results and oplog entries for collections and databases that we are interested in. Each thread works independently.
  2. After fetching the entries, we'll merge the results from all sources to get a full picture of all operations.


With the ops being recorded, we also have a replayer to replay them in different ways:

The replay module is written in Go because Python doesn't do a good job in concurrent CPU intensive tasks.

How to use it




Start Recording

After configuration, please simply run python record.py.




$ go get github.com/ParsePlatform/flashback/cmd/flashback


Required options:

flashback \
    --style=[real|stress] \
    --ops_filename=<file_name> \ # Operations file, such as generated by the Record tool

To use a specific host/port and/or to use authentication, specify a mongodb:// url:

flashback \

For a full list of options:

flashback --help



pcap_converter is an experimental way to build a recorded ops file from a pcap of mongo traffic.

Note: 'getmore' operations are not yet supported by pcap_converter

$ go get github.com/ParsePlatform/flashback/cmd/pcap_converter
$ tcpdump -i lo0 -w some_mongo_cap.pcap 'tcp and dst port 27017'
$ pcap_converter -f some_mongo_cap.pcap -o ops_filename.bson