Open ehs035 opened 5 years ago
I think this not related to the names are populated correctly. The problem is the missing extras implementation.
@zellski I tried all the repos and it still doesn't work. I generated a gltf to take a look at the source:
{ "componentType": 5126, "type": "VEC3", "count": 12024, "bufferView": 226, "byteOffset": 0, "min": [ -0.00830205157399178, -0.00209554191678762, -0.00139282224699855 ], "max": [ 0.00832692626863718, 0.00691405776888132, 0.00883682258427143 ], name": "Mouth_Smile" },
The morph target has a name but when I load this with GLTF loader from THREEJS the name is not there.
Doesn't the GLTF loader uses the extras property to set the names?
Here is a sample created with the blender exporter and it works: "meshes": [ { "extras": { "targetNames": [ "Tongue_Out", "Tongue_Curl-U", "Tongue_Narrow", "Tongue_Lower", "Tongue_Raise", "Tongue_Curl-D", "Tongue_up" ] }, "name": "CC_Base_Tongue", "primitives": [ ] } And here is the sample from the fbx2gltf converter: "meshes": [ { "name": "CC_Base_Tongue", "primitives": [ ]
The morph target/ blend shape names are missing after I converted my fbx file to gltf. The fbx file was exported from Character Creator 3.0.4 I can see the morph target names if I use Blender GLTF exporter. I have more that 70+ morph targets and need the names for my facial animations.
I'm running FBX2glTF-windows-x64.exe -b filename.fbx
Thanks for your help