facebookresearch / EmpatheticDialogues

Dialogue model that produces empathetic responses when trained on the EmpatheticDialogues dataset.
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PyTorch original implementation of Towards Empathetic Open-domain Conversation Models: a New Benchmark and Dataset (https://arxiv.org/abs/1811.00207).

We provide a novel dataset of 25k conversations grounded in emotional situations. The code in this repo demonstrates that automated metrics (P@1,100 and BLEU) are improved both when using candidates from our dataset and when fine-tuning on it.

This repo contains code for:


To download the EmpatheticDialogues dataset:

wget https://dl.fbaipublicfiles.com/parlai/empatheticdialogues/empatheticdialogues.tar.gz


To reproduce paper numbers, see the evaluation commands in the Commands section, and use the following trained models:

wget https://dl.fbaipublicfiles.com/parlai/empatheticdialogues/models/normal_transformer_pretrained.mdl  # Normal Transformer, pretrained
wget https://dl.fbaipublicfiles.com/parlai/empatheticdialogues/models/normal_transformer_finetuned.mdl  # Normal Transformer, fine-tuned
wget https://dl.fbaipublicfiles.com/parlai/empatheticdialogues/models/bert_pretrained.mdl  # BERT, pretrained
wget https://dl.fbaipublicfiles.com/parlai/empatheticdialogues/models/bert_finetuned.mdl  # BERT, fine-tuned
wget https://dl.fbaipublicfiles.com/parlai/empatheticdialogues/models/bert_finetuned_emoprepend1.mdl  # BERT, fine-tuned (EmoPrepend-1)
wget https://dl.fbaipublicfiles.com/parlai/empatheticdialogues/models/fasttext_empathetic_dialogues.mdl  # fastText classifier used for EmoPrepend-1


Versions given are what the code has been tested on.




Transformer-based retrieval


python retrieval_train.py \
--batch-size 512 \
--cuda \
--dataset-name reddit \
--dict-max-words 250000 \
--display-iter 250 \
--embeddings ${REDDIT_EMBEDDINGS_PATH} \
--learn-embeddings \
--learning-rate 8e-4 \
--model transformer \
--model-dir ${TRAIN_SAVE_FOLDER} \
--model-name model \
--n-layers 4 \
--num-epochs 10000 \
--optimizer adamax \
--reddit-folder ${REDDIT_DATA_FOLDER} \
--transformer-dim 300 \
--transformer-n-heads 6


python retrieval_train.py \
--batch-size 512 \
--cuda \
--dataset-name empchat \
--dict-max-words 250000 \
--display-iter 250 \
--learn-embeddings \
--learning-rate 8e-4 \
--load-checkpoint ${PRETRAINED_MODEL_PATH} \
--max-hist-len 4 \
--model transformer \
--model-dir ${TRAIN_SAVE_FOLDER} \
--model-name model \
--n-layers 4 \
--num-epochs 10 \
--optimizer adamax \
--reddit-folder ${REDDIT_DATA_FOLDER} \
--transformer-dim 300 \
--transformer-n-heads 6


# P@1,100
python retrieval_train.py \
--batch-size 512 \
--cuda \
--dataset-name empchat \
--dict-max-words 250000 \
--display-iter 250 \
--max-hist-len 4 \
--model transformer \
--model-dir ${EVAL_SAVE_FOLDER} \
--model-name model \
--n-layers 4 \
--optimizer adamax \
--pretrained ${TRAIN_SAVE_FOLDER}/model.mdl \
--reactonly \
--transformer-dim 300 \
--transformer-n-heads 6

# BLEU (EmpatheticDialogues context/candidates)
python retrieval_eval_bleu.py \
--empchat-cands \
--max-hist-len 4 \
--model ${TRAIN_SAVE_FOLDER}/model.mdl \
--name model \
--output-folder ${EVAL_SAVE_FOLDER} \
--reactonly \
--task empchat

BERT-based retrieval


python retrieval_train.py \
--batch-size 256 \
--bert-dim 300 \
--cuda \
--dataset-name reddit \
--dict-max-words 250000 \
--display-iter 100 \
--embeddings None \
--learning-rate 6e-5 \
--model bert \
--model-dir ${TRAIN_SAVE_FOLDER} \
--model-name model \
--num-epochs 10000 \
--optimizer adamax \


python retrieval_train.py \
--batch-size 256 \
--bert-dim 300 \
--cuda \
--dataset-name empchat \
--dict-max-words 250000 \
--display-iter 100 \
--embeddings None \
--learning-rate 1e-5 \
--load-checkpoint ${PRETRAINED_MODEL_PATH} \
--max-hist-len 4 \
--model bert \
--model-dir ${TRAIN_SAVE_FOLDER} \
--model-name model \
--num-epochs 100 \
--optimizer adamax \
--stop-crit-num-epochs 10


# P@1,100
python retrieval_train.py \
--batch-size 256 \
--bert-dim 300 \
--cuda \
--dataset-name empchat \
--dict-max-words 250000 \
--display-iter 100 \
--embeddings None \
--max-hist-len 4 \
--model bert \
--model-dir ${EVAL_SAVE_FOLDER} \
--model-name model \
--optimizer adamax \
--pretrained ${TRAIN_SAVE_FOLDER}/model.mdl \

# BLEU (EmpatheticDialogues context/candidates)
python retrieval_eval_bleu.py \
--empchat-cands \
--max-hist-len 4 \
--model ${TRAIN_SAVE_FOLDER}/model.mdl \
--name model \
--output-folder ${EVAL_SAVE_FOLDER} \
--reactonly \
--task empchat

Note: we pass in a separate dictionary (--bleu-dict) in order to use the same tokenization when calculating the BLEU of both Transformer and BERT models. For this, you can use the pretrained normal Transformer model listed in the Models section above.


Add the following flags when calling retrieval_train.py or retrieval_eval_bleu.py:

--fasttext 1 \
--fasttext-type emo

For ${PATH_TO_TRAINED_FASTTEXT_MODEL}, you can pass in the fastText classifier in the Models section above.


Please cite [1] if you found the resources in this repository useful.

Towards Empathetic Open-domain Conversation Models: a New Benchmark and Dataset

[1] H. Rashkin, E. M. Smith, M. Li, Y. Boureau Towards Empathetic Open-domain Conversation Models: a New Benchmark and Dataset

  title = {Towards Empathetic Open-domain Conversation Models: a New Benchmark and Dataset},
  author = {Hannah Rashkin and Eric Michael Smith and Margaret Li and Y-Lan Boureau},
  booktitle = {ACL},
  year = {2019},


See the LICENSE file in the root repo folder for more details.