facebookresearch / OmnimatteRF

A matting method that combines dynamic 2D foreground layers and a 3D background model.
MIT License
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OmnimatteRF: Robust Omnimatte with 3D Background Modeling

Project Page | arXiv

Video matting has broad applications, from adding interesting effects to casually captured movies to assisting video production professionals. Matting with associated effects like shadows and reflections has also attracted increasing research activity, and methods like Omnimatte have been proposed to separate foreground objects of interest into their own layers. However, prior works represent video backgrounds as 2D image layers, limiting their capacity to express more complicated scenes, thus hindering application to real-world videos. In this paper, we propose a novel video matting method, F2B3, that combines 2D foreground layers and a 3D background model. The 2D layers preserve the details of the subjects, while the 3D background robustly reconstructs scenes in real-world videos. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our method reconstructs with better quality on various videos.

OmnimatteRF: Robust Omnimatte with 3D Background Modeling

Geng Lin, Chen Gao, Jia-Bin Huang, Changil Kim, Yipeng Wang, Matthias Zwicker, Ayush Saraf

in ICCV 2023



If you have a containerized environment, you can run our code with this image: logchan/matting:20221229.01 on docker hub. It is recommended that you mount three paths inside the container:

Check here for an example docker-compose.yaml.

Virtual Environment / Conda

You can setup a Python environment with these packages installed:


# for running RoDynRF

Required software in PATH:


Download our synthetic and captured datasets from Google Drive.

The following data are needed to run our method:

While all paths are configurable with command line arguments, the code by default recognizes the following structure:

├── colmap
│   └── poses_bounds.npy
├── depth
│   └── depth
│       └── 00000.npy
├── flow
│   ├── confidence
│   │   └── 0001.png
│   ├── flow
│   │   └── 00000.flo
│   └── flow_backward
│       └── 00000.flo
├── homography
│   └── homographies.npy
├── masks
│   └── mask
│       └── 00
│           └── 00000.png
└── rgb_1x
    └── 00000.png

We also provide scripts for preparing all data required to run our pipeline, and for converting our data format to Omnimatte or Nerfies formats. See using your video for details.

Running our code

We use hydra for configuring the pipeline, training parameters, and evaluation setups. The entrypoint files and predefined configurations are located in the workflows folder.

You can find the documented config structure in code files under core/config.

All-in-One CLI

To make it easy to prepare data and run experiments, we have created a simple command line interface, ui/cli.py. It requires some setup as it enforces the data organization shown above. See how to use it in Using the CLI.

If you can't use the CLI, it basically wraps the commands described below.


Basic configuration (without depth supervision)

# Using CLI

python ./ui/cli.py train_ours wild/walk

python ./ui/cli.py train_ours wild/bouldering -- \

# Invoke workflow directly

python workflows/train.py \
    --config-name train_both \
    output=/output/train/wild/walk/matting/basic-exp \
    dataset.path=/data/matting/wild/walk \
    dataset.scale=0.25 \

python workflows/train.py \
    --config-name train_both \
    output=/output/train/wild/bouldering/matting/basic-exp \
    dataset.path=/data/matting/wild/bouldering \
    dataset.scale=0.25 \
    data_sources=[flow,mask,colmap] \
    contraction=ndc \

In the above command,

With depth supervision

# Using CLI

python ./ui/cli.py \
    train_ours \
    wild/bouldering \
    --use_depths \
    -- \
    fg_losses=[alpha_reg,brightness_reg,flow_recons,mask,recons,warped_alpha,bg_tv_reg,robust_depth_matching,bg_distortion] \
    fg_losses.robust_depth_matching.config.alpha=0.1 \
    fg_losses.bg_distortion.config.alpha=0.01 \

# Invoke workflow directly

python workflows/train.py \
    --config-name train_both \
    output=/output/train/wild/bouldering/matting/exp-with-depths \
    dataset.path=/data/matting/wild/bouldering \
    dataset.scale=0.25 \
    data_sources=[flow,mask,colmap,depths] \
    contraction=ndc \
    fg_losses=[alpha_reg,brightness_reg,flow_recons,mask,recons,warped_alpha,bg_tv_reg,robust_depth_matching,bg_distortion] \
    fg_losses.robust_depth_matching.config.alpha=0.1 \
    fg_losses.bg_distortion.config.alpha=0.01 \

The configs robust_depth_matching and bg_distortion enables monocular depth supervision and distortion loss respectively.


By default, the evaluation script loads pipeline and dataset configurations from training:

# Using CLI

python ./ui/cli.py eval_ours wild/bouldering/exp-with-depths --step 15000

# Invoke workflow directly

python workflows/eval.py \
    output=/output/train/wild/bouldering/matting/exp-with-depths/eval/15000 \

Clean background retraining

If you find some shadows captured in both foreground and background layers, it may be possible to obtain a clean background by training the TensoRF model from scratch, using the mask from the jointly-trained foreground.

The eval script generates fg_alpha which is the combined alpha of foreground layers. You can train the background RF using:

# Using CLI

python ui/cli.py \
    train_ours \
    --config train_bg \
    --name retrain_bg \
    --mask /output/train/wild/walk/matting/basic-exp/eval/15000/fg_alpha \

# Invoke workflow directly

python workflows/train.py \
    --config-name train_bg \
    output=/output/train/wild/walk/retrain-bg \
    dataset.path=/data/matting/wild/walk \
    dataset.scale=0.25 \
    data_sources=[mask,colmap] \
    data_sources.mask.subpath=/output/train/wild/walk/matting/basic-exp/eval/15000/fg_alpha \


For any issues related to code and data, file an issue or email geng@cs.umd.edu.


  author    = {Geng Lin and Chen Gao and Jia-Bin Huang and Changil Kim and Yipeng Wang and Matthias Zwicker and Ayush Saraf},
  title     = {OmnimatteRF: Robust Omnimatte with 3D Background Modeling},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV)},
  month     = {October},
  year      = {2023}


The code is available under the MIT license.

Our codebase contains code from MiDaS, omnimatte, RAFT, RoDynRF, and TensoRF. Their licenses can be found under the licenses folder.