facebookresearch / frankmocap

A Strong and Easy-to-use Single View 3D Hand+Body Pose Estimator
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Error while running frankmocap only with image #148

Closed antonioia9 closed 2 years ago

antonioia9 commented 2 years ago

Hi everyone, I have this error while running frankmocap with an image. If I analyze a video, it works normally, but if I analyze an image it shows me this. Can anyone tell me why?

(frankmocap) C:\MOCAP\frankmocap>python -m demo.demo_frankmocap_CPU_BETA --input_path ./sampledata/frank.jpg --out_dir ./mocap_output Loading Body Pose Estimator Loading Third View Hand Detector Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:\Users\PRINCIPAL\anaconda3\envs\frankmocap\lib\runpy.py", line 193, in _run_module_as_main "main", mod_spec) File "C:\Users\PRINCIPAL\anaconda3\envs\frankmocap\lib\runpy.py", line 85, in _run_code exec(code, run_globals) File "C:\MOCAP\frankmocap\demo\demo_frankmocap_CPU_BETA.py", line 250, in main() File "C:\MOCAP\frankmocap\demo\demo_frankmocap_CPU_BETA.py", line 244, in main run_frank_mocap_cpu(args, hand_bbox_detector, body_mocap, hand_mocap,visualizer) File "C:\MOCAP\frankmocap\demo\demo_frankmocap_CPU_BETA.py", line 111, in run_frank_mocap_cpu input_type, input_data = demo_utils.setup_input(args) File "C:\MOCAP\frankmocap\mocap_utils\demo_utils.py", line 101, in setup_input input_type = get_input_type(args) File "C:\MOCAP\frankmocap\mocap_utils\demo_utils.py", line 55, in get_input_type assert False, "Unknown input path. It should be an image," + \ AssertionError: Unknown input path. It should be an image,or an image folder, or a video file, or 'webcam'

penincillin commented 2 years ago

@antonioia9 Actually, the input format of directly using image paths are not supported. We apologize for the misleading information in the previous documents. To run the code on images, you should set the input_path to the path of folder containing the input images. In your case, you should use --input_path ./sampledata.

antonioia9 commented 2 years ago

Thank you! I wrote --input_path ./sampledata/... .jpg and it doesn't run. So I can only run frankmocap from videos?

penincillin commented 2 years ago

@antonioia9 You should use --input_path path_of_folder_storing_your_images. For example, suppose the path of your images is sampledata/images/xxx.jpg, then you should set --input_path sampledata/images.

flynnamy commented 2 years ago

How about this problem? @penincillin image

penincillin commented 2 years ago

@flynnamy This error seems to be caused by OpenGL. Are you trying to use OpenGL on the server ?