faceyspacey / redux-first-router-link

<Link /> + <NavLink /> that mirror react-router's + a few additional props
MIT License
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UPDATE (July 1st 2017): We now have a NavLink package like react-router to show active styles for your links.


yarn add redux-first-router-link


import Link from 'redux-first-router-link'

// as a standard href path string:
<Link to='/list/db-graphql'>DB & GRAPHQL</Link>

// as an array of path segments:
<Link to={['list', 'react-redux']}>REACT & REDUX</Link>

<Link to={{ type: 'LIST', payload: { category: 'fp' } }}>FP</Link>

In all 3 cases, a simple link will be rendered, eg:

<a to='/list/fp'>FP</a>


import { NavLink } from 'redux-first-router-link'

  to={{ type: 'LIST', payload: { category: 'redux-first-router' } }}
  activeStyle={{ color: 'purple' }}
  isActive={(match, location) => location.payload.category === 'redux-first-router'}
  Redux First Router

NOTE: both <Link /> and <NavLink /> share the React Router API for easy use for those coming from there. Our components are a subset of React Router's Link component props API as there are several additional props. See below.


Creating your links using an action object is obviously the best solution, as it will allow you to change static path segments in the routesMap you pass to connectRoutes() at any time, without having to change any of your <Link /> components. That means you only have to change URLs in one place. AKA, your routesMap is your "single source of truth."

For example, if you have:

import { createStore, compose, applyMiddleware, combineReducers } from 'redux'
import createBrowserHistory from 'history/createBrowserHistory'
import connectRoutes from 'redux-first-router'

const history = createBrowserHistory()

const { enhancer, middleware, reducer } = connectRoutes(history, {
  LIST: '/list/:category'

const rootReducer = combineReducers({ location: reducer })
const store = createStore(rootReducer, compose(enhancer, applyMiddleware(middleware)))

Then you can change the static segment of the path at any time, eg:

const { middleware, enhancer, reducer } = connectRoutes(history, {
  LIST: '/browse/:category'

But its entirely up to you. If it's easier to start to thinking in terms of paths, go for it! If that's the case, we recommend the array syntax, since its easier to pass variables, eg:

const category = 'react-redux'
const to = ['list', category]
<Link to={to}>REACT & REDUX</Link>


const category = 'react-redux'
const to = `/list/${category}` // can get long & yucky with lots of variables
<Link to={to}>REACT & REDUX</Link>

Additional Props:

Familiar React Router Props:

React Router NavLink-only Props

Final Notes


We use commitizen, so run npm run cm to make commits. A command-line form will appear, requiring you answer a few questions to automatically produce a nicely formatted commit. Releases, semantic version numbers, tags, changelogs and publishing to NPM will automatically be handled based on these commits thanks to semantic-release. Be good.


Reviewing a package's tests are a great way to get familiar with it. It's direct insight into the capabilities of the given package (if the tests are thorough). What's even better is a screenshot of the tests neatly organized and grouped (you know the whole "a picture says a thousand words" thing).

Below is a screenshot of this module's tests running in Wallaby ("An Integrated Continuous Testing Tool for JavaScript") which everyone in the React community should be using. It's fantastic and has taken my entire workflow to the next level. It re-runs your tests on every change along with comprehensive logging, bi-directional linking to your IDE, in-line code coverage indicators, and even snapshot comparisons + updates for Jest! I requestsed that feature by the way :). It's basically a substitute for live-coding that inspires you to test along your journey.

redux-first-router-link tests screenshot