FACN Recipe
Simple recipe application for members of Founders & Coders community in Nazareth
To get started:
Click [here] (https://facnrecipe.herokuapp.com/) to start FACN Recipe application
User story:
As a student of Founders & Coders based in Nazareth, she/he can search recipes by clicking four different categories based on the origin of food.
- User can browse for available recipes
- User can filter recipes by origin food type
diagrams (schema, architecture, wire-frame):
checklist of project requirements:
- Simple web app with a node server and a database
- Your database comes with a schema, which should be documented in your readme (along with any other architectural decisions)
- Database hosted on Heroku, or locally
- Build script for your database
- Security concerns appropriately considered (you must protect against script injections!)
- Good test coverage both server- and client-side
- Content dynamic, but DOM manipulation kept to a minimum
- Mobile-first design
- Clear user journey (even if you take one of our suggested ideas, document the user journey in your readme)
Stretch goals
- Function for adding recipes to database
- Function for editing/deleting recipes
- Implement authentication for admins to edit/delete posts(recipe)
- All branches should be understood and reviewed by all team members prior to pushing/merging to master