factorial-io / phabalicious

Supports your deployments and every-day devops-tasks
MIT License
18 stars 3 forks source link
deployment docker drupal fabfile kubernetes phab phabalicious


unit tests unit tests unit tests docs built

Phabalicious is using configuration stored in a special file in the root of your project (the fabfile.yaml) to run tasks in a shell. This shell can be provided by a docker-container, a ssh-connection or a local shell. This means, you can store all your devops-scripts in the fabfile and apply it to a list of configurations. Phabalicious tries to abstract away the inner workings of a host and give the user a handful useful commands to run common tasks, like:

It integrates nicely with existing solutions like for continous integration or docker-based setups or diverse hosting environments like lagoon, platform.sh or complicated custom IT infrastructures.


You can find the docs here at docs.phab.io


Phabalicious needs at least PHP 7.3 with the json- and openssl-extensions. Most of the methods dependes on installed cli commands, you will get an error-message if they can't be found.

Installation via homebrew (mac os x)

brew tap factorial-io/homebrew-phabalicious
brew install phab

Installation using published phar

Please refer to the installation-guide for more information regarding the installation.

Enhancing phab, contributing to phab

We welcome contributions! Please fork the repository, create a feature branch and submit a pull-request.

Please add test-cases for your bug-fixes or new features. We are using GrumPHP to check code-style (PSR2), run tests etc when committing new code. This repository uses github-flow as branching strategy.


The project follows also the conventional-commit best-practices (since 3.8), you can run

yarn install
yarn cz # if you have installed commitizen globally you can use also git cz

to get a helper composing your commit-message. We are using the method-name as type in the commit-message to group them together, e.g. feat(k8s): Support helm

Create a release

This repo is using github-flow to manage versions. Releases are created by github-action automatically. Phab is using standard-version to automate preparing a release. It will take care of bumping version numbers and updating the changelog.

To prepare a new release, run the following commands:

yarn install && yarn release

To prepare a preview-release (e.g. a beta-version)

yarn install && yarn standard-version  --  -t '' --sign --prerelease

Rebuild the docs

The docs are built with vuepress, so you need to run yarn install beforehand.

Review them locally

Run yarn docs:dev, this will allow you to browse the docs with your browser with hot reloading and all the fancy stuff

Build and publish the documentation

Run yarn docs:build. This will build the docs and push it to the gh-pages-branch. Github will then publish the changes to https://factorial-io.github.io/phabalicious/