fahrenfort / ADAM

the Amsterdam Decoding And Modeling (ADAM) toolbox
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If you download this toolbox, please go through http://www.fahrenfort.com/ADAM.htm where you can leave your e-mail. This way I can keep track of the user base of the toolbox and inform users of serious bugs if they happen.

What is it?

ADAM is an open source Matlab Toolbox. It allows you to perform multivariate analyses on your EEG and/or MEG data using backward decoding (BDM) and forward encoding models (FEM).


Why should I use this toolbox?

One of the big advantages of this toolbox is that it takes generic input formats for which many import functions are available (EEGLAB or FieldTrip), allowing researchers to do their own pre-processing any which way they like. The toolbox takes care of the intricacies of multivariate analyses (data handling), allowing a wealth of possibilities as specified above, and always has a group analysis as its endpoint. Although everything is scripted, the scripts are easy to use, doable also for novices.



The toolbox is currently in version 1.x.x continuous beta


When you use the decoding (BDM) feature, please cite:
Fahrenfort, J. J., van Driel, J., van Gaal, S., & Olivers, C. N. L. (2018). From ERPs to MVPA Using the Amsterdam Decoding and Modeling Toolbox (ADAM). Frontiers in Neuroscience, 12. http://doi.org/10.3389/fnins.2018.00368

When you use the forward modeling (FEM) feature, please cite:
Fahrenfort, J. J. (2020) Multivariate methods to track the spatiotemporal profile of feature-based attentional selection using EEG. Pollmann (Ed.), Spatial learning and attention guidance. Neuromethods. New York, Springer. https://osf.io/srmt2/


A citable tutorial article covering how to use the decoding features of the toolbox can be found here: http://doi.org/10.3389/fnins.2018.00368.
A citable tutorial article covering how to use the forward encoding features of the toolbox can be found here: https://osf.io/srmt2/