failcoder / SVUI-Temp

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Minor issue with dialogue and world quest complete tag #38

Open klepp0906 opened 7 years ago

klepp0906 commented 7 years ago

I'm not sure if this is tied to the Loot frame growing "bug" i posted where it grows up regardless but this did not happen when the "movetaklinghead" addon I was using to manage the talking head frame before you fixed it within svui.

I set the talking head dialogue to the top of my screen. With my former addon, that was fine as the "world quest complete" tag would display below it if I had it at the top of the screen, and above it (which was the default) if i had it at the bottom of the screen (which is obvsly the blizz default).

That being said - when using svui to manage the frame, when i move it to the top - if the completion of the world quest is accompanied by a dialogue (not always but sometimes is) then the "world quest complete" frame resorts to displaying above the talking head frame, which is consequently off the top of my screen and out of sight.

the only option i have now is to put the talking head frame in the middle of my screen so the world quest complete frame is still visible.

hope this makes sense, if not lmk and i can provide a screen shot.

perhaps ensuring that if the talkingheadframe is above y/0 vs below y/0 it will automatically put the talking head frame below/above effectively. (assume thats how the other one functions and if this IS tied to the loot frame issue, perhaps how this WOULD be functioning)

signed - your biggest pain in the ass

PS Or just make the world quest complete tag moveable independantly?

klepp0906 commented 7 years ago

btw if i didnt mention elsewhere (i forget - im always multitasking an have a bad memory) the MoveTalkingHead addon was the culprit of that error. Addon uninstalled. error gone.

drveoj commented 7 years ago

Closed then re-opened. Which is it? :)

klepp0906 commented 7 years ago

Well I closed it because I didn't wanna trouble you with something so minor, figured I'd just deal. Then in the vein of being thorough and at some point having the Ui "right" I figured I'd better keep it open so you don't think it's solved.

Sorry lol

On Sep 23, 2016, at 7:19 PM, Joe Vaughan wrote:

Closed then re-opened. Which is it? :)

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drveoj commented 7 years ago

So you're saying that MoveTalkingHead isn't at fault then? I'm confused :)

klepp0906 commented 7 years ago

Nope, removed movetalking head and the behavior is still wonky.

Before the window couldn't be moved at all though without it. At least it still can.

I still get the clear journal Type error but now instead of "movetalkinghead" being labeled as a culprit or cause within, something else is in its place ala the errors I copy/pasted.

Still working on trying to pin the time/trigger.

On Sep 24, 2016, at 6:04 AM, Joe Vaughan wrote:

So you're saying that MoveTalkingHead isn't at fault then? I'm confused :)

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