failcoder / SVUI-Temp

Temporary Repository for SuperVillain UI fixes until Munglunch/failcoder returns from absence.
MIT License
6 stars 3 forks source link

Update: failcoder (aka Munglunch) has returned!

This update is now defunct and we will go back to official releases once again.

Check out the usual places for this:

The official GitHub repo is here:


If you're looking for the most up to date information about what's happening with SuperVillain UI, Mentalo commands you to (please) join him (and other SuperVillains) on Discord:


Temporary Repository for SuperVillain UI fixes until Munglunch/failcoder returns from absence.

How to use

As this is non-offical (at present) I'm not publishing updates via curse and/or wowinterface. You have to do some of the hard work which Curse Client and/or Minion normally do :)

To use, do as follows: