failcoder / SVUI-Temp

Temporary Repository for SuperVillain UI fixes until Munglunch/failcoder returns from absence.
MIT License
6 stars 3 forks source link

Critical issue! #87

Closed finalsliver closed 7 years ago

finalsliver commented 7 years ago

Joev has been working to hard and needs a break.

Would advise afternoon off and away from Github. Additionally, light leveling and dungeoning may help to resolve any issues before the become noticable :p

Well done so far Joev! Much love for the updates and responses :)

drveoj commented 7 years ago

@finalsliver aww. I'm touched! :)

Thanks but I've been very light the last week. just getting back into it today. Many bugs to fix! (and some major rework to do...)

finalsliver commented 7 years ago

Still don't burn out. Between WoW and Code you might find yourself with a bit much. Take one for the team and at least promise me you will have a cup of joe~

drveoj commented 7 years ago

Between Wow and code? In the last 3 weeks I've played about 2 hours of wow I think... I've had my client logged in for dozens... but only played very little...

There is only code! :)


finalsliver commented 7 years ago

you need more WoW time stat! once you hit 810 you can run heroics, and at 825 you qualify for LFR :)

TiaMaster commented 7 years ago

Already earned donations I would think after getting this working. Don't know where to send.
May wait til after Spec Switcher gets back in. :)

drveoj commented 7 years ago

Refreshed and back on the horse. Clearing out a few long-standing issues then cracking on with Unitframes