fair-research / minid-server

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.. image:: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ini-bdds/minid-server/master/minid_server/static/images/minid-logo.png

Minids (Minimal Viable Identifiers) are identifiers that are sufficiently simple to make creation and use trivial, while still having enough substance to make data easily findable, accessible, interoperable, and reusable (FAIR).

This repository contains the minid server. Minid client code is avaialble at https://github.com/fair-research/minid.


The minid server is a Python Flask application. The following steps outline how to install the server in a development setting.

Download the source code::

$ git clone git@github.com:ini-bdds/minid-server.git

Create a local configuration for development (an example configuration is included below)::

$ vim local_config.cfg

Run the server::

$ python main.py

Note: you will need to edit your minid client configuration to point to your local development server.

For production deployments we suggest using Apache and uWSGI. An example WSGI configuration script is avaialble here <https://github.com/ini-bdds/minid-server/blob/master/minid_server/minid.wsgi>_.


Here is an example configuration file that uses a local SQLite database and the EZID test shoulder for minting ARKs.

.. code-block:: python

class Config(object): DEBUG = True TESTING = True

  SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI = "sqlite:////tmp/minid.db"

  HOSTNAME = "http://localhost:5000/minid"
  PORT = 5000
  LANDING_PAGE = "http://localhost:5000/minid/landingpage"

  EZID_SERVER = "https://ezid.cdlib.org"
  EZID_SCHEME = "ark:/"
  EZID_SHOULDER = "99999/fk4"
  EZID_USERNAME = "apitest"
  EZID_PASSWORD = "apitest"

  TEST_EZID_SERVER = "https://ezid.cdlib.org"
  TEST_EZID_SCHEME = "ark:/"
  TEST_EZID_SHOULDER = "99999/fk4"
  TEST_EZID_USERNAME = "apitest"
  TEST_EZID_PASSWORD = "apitest"

  # AWS account used for sending email