faitdivers / pyao

PyAO - Adaptive Optics simulation package
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General info

There are some general rules that you should follow in this project:

  1. Communicate! Use the tools at your disposal to inform the other members of the team of your progress, the issues that you are tackling, and what you are working on at the moment.

  2. Really, communicate!

  3. Do not “push” buggy code to the remote master branch; always do extensive testing before pushing a major upgrade in the code. — always ask for someone to cross-check your code when uploading major changes by making a pull-request. After the pull request has been made, the reviewer is responsible for merging the branch into the master.

    3.a) if the code can not be automatically merged, the creator of the pull request should resolve all the conflicts, first.

    3.b) try to create an automated test file that benchmarks your code with a pre-defined reference; it's very helpful for debugging and to ensure modularity.

  4. Ensure modularity of your code.

  5. Ensure scalability: do not hardcode any parts of your code.


Communication will be done via two ways:

  1. issue a ticket in Git (look on the right side bar for “Issues”)

  2. write an e-mail (either to everybody or just to the teaching assistant).

The first one is preferred given that it’s easy to assign people that can work on the bug/enhancement/question and you can also close the issue when the problem has been fixed.

Git usage

To set up Git use a GUI based software such as, e.g, Sourcetree. There are numerous softwares like this for all platforms.

You can also do it via command line as follows:

mkdir /path/to/your/project

cd /path/to/your/project

git clone https://github.com/faitdivers/pyao.git

More information on how to commit, reset, branch, stage files, pull, etc. can be found in git-scm.com/book/en/Git-Basics


The Git repository will also work as a place to document our work and to communicate between one another. In the doc folder you can access different documents and edit them. The way to document the progress should be modular, but structured in such way that the links between each module of the simulator are clear.

Important remark: The documentation is to be done in LaTex.

Why not a wiki

Several wikis were tested; none of them were suitable for our project.

A Wikimedia website would be prefered, but we have no host for that at the moment.